International Cat Day – favourite fictional cats
Happy International Cat Day! Do you have a favourite fictional cat? We looked through our bookshelves to find cats whose stories we enjoy reading and after some discussion we came up with a top five list. We’re also curious to know which fictional cats you would add.
International Friendship Day – fabulous fictional friendships
To celebrate International Friendship Day we’ve chosen picture books that show fabulous fictional friendships. Friendship is a central theme in many children’s books and lately we have read so many wonderful stories about characters who support each other through thick and thin. There are many more that we could have added to this list (we…
Big Brown Bear’s Cave by Yuval Zommer
Big Brown Bear thinks that filling his new cave with ‘stuff’ will help him to make him feel at home. But will having lots of material possessions really help? We love this new picture book from Yuval Zommer which shows that having lots of possessions doesn’t necessarily lead to happiness.
Sun by Sam Usher
The sun has been shining for several days now – hooray! Summer is hopefully here to stay and Sun is the perfect picture book to enjoy in this beautiful weather! Its sparkly, predominantly yellow cover invites you in whether you’re also basking in the sunshine or looking to add sunshine to your life on a…
Jimmy Finnigan’s Wild Wood Band by Tom Knight
Jimmy Finnigan’s Wild Wood Band is a great story for showing how important it is to follow your dreams and it also conveys the positive effect that music can have in life. Jimmy loves music and wants to start a band but when he can’t find anybody in his village to join him he ventures into the…
Lazy Cat by Julia Woolf
Lazy Cat takes a wonderful look at friendship and the fact that friendship is reciprocal and involves giving as well as receiving. Doodle Dog is a very good friend to Lazy Cat who takes full advantage of Doodle’s good nature. Then one day he pushes Doodle just a little bit too far…
Lucy Lady Bird by Sharon King-Chai
Lucy Lady Bird has just been republished with the most gorgeous shiny spotty cover! This beautifully illustrated picture book is great for introducing children to colours, seasons, counting and the concept that it’s great to be different.
The Lumberjack’s Beard by Duncan Beedie
We absolutely love The Lumberjack’s Beard! A lumberjack needs to make a living but how does it affect the woodland animals when he cuts down the trees, burns the leaves and branches and sends the logs down the river? This beautifully illustrated, entertaining and humorous story shows how the ecosystem is affected by tree felling and…
Story Snug Advent: L is for Lucy & Tom At Christmas
L is for Lucy & Tom At Christmas by Shirley Hughes