
  • I thought I saw a… bear! by Lydia Nichols

    I thought I saw a… bear! by Lydia Nichols

    I thought I saw a… bear! is a really cute board book with a very simple text and a repetitive refrain. It introduces young children to different kinds of transport and a bear who likes to hide!

  • Raj and the BEST DAY EVER! by Seb Braun

    Raj and the BEST DAY EVER! by Seb Braun

    Raj and the BEST DAY EVER! tells the heartwarming story of the day that a little tiger, Raj, spends with his dad. When my daughter was younger she always gave her dad a picture book for Fathers’ Day and this story would make the perfect Fathers’ Day present.

  • Rufus by Simon Bartram

    Rufus by Simon Bartram

    We fell in love with Rufus as soon as we read his story. Rufus wants to be a scary monster but he lives alone in the desert and there are only clouds and rocks to rant and rage at. What he really needs to find is a Peopley Person to scare!

  • Picture Books About Birds

    Picture Books About Birds

    We’ve been listening to a very noisy dawn chorus every morning which has prompted us to reread some of our favourite picture books about birds. We’ve already blogged about the picture book penguins on our bookcase but we also have lots of favourite picture books about other birds! Is your favourite bird picture book on…

  • I REALLY WANT the Cake by Simon Philip & Lucia Gaggiotti

    I REALLY WANT the Cake by Simon Philip & Lucia Gaggiotti

    I REALLY WANT the Cake is a picture book that most readers will be able to identify with! How do you react when you see and smell a freshly baked chocolate cake but are told that you can’t eat it? Could you resist it? That’s the problem that this story’s little heroine is faced with!

  • The Pirates of Scurvy Sands by Jonny Duddle

    The Pirates of Scurvy Sands by Jonny Duddle

    Matilda and The Jolley-Rogers are back in The Pirates of Scurvy Sands, a holiday adventure which is published today. We first met Jim Lad and his family in The Pirates Next Door which was one of the very first picture books that I bought for my daughter and we love absolutely love this new story.

  • The Last Chip by Duncan Beedie

    The Last Chip by Duncan Beedie

    The Last Chip The Story of a Very Hungry Pigeon is the story of Percy the pigeon’s quest to find food. Percy’s story highlights the desperate situation of somebody who is extremely hungry and also introduces children to the concept of homelessness and living on the streets.

  • I say OOH You say AAH by John Kane

    I say OOH You say AAH by John Kane

    I say OOH You say AAH is a hilarious read aloud picture book. It is hugely entertaining for the reader and the listener and introduces children to the concept of following instructions in a fun way. Listener responses are a big part of the reading experience and the first time we read the book together my…

  • 2017 Story Snug Advent Calendar

    2017 Story Snug Advent Calendar

    It’s time to reveal our fifth Story Snug Advent Calendar!

  • Ludwig The Sea Dog by Henning Lohlein

    Ludwig The Sea Dog by Henning Lohlein

    Put on your 3D goggles and join Ludwig The Sea Dog in a magical adventure which takes him out of his own book and into a watery world!