
  • Children’s Mental Health Week – Know Yourself, Grow Yourself

    Children’s Mental Health Week – Know Yourself, Grow Yourself

    February 3rd to 9th is children’s mental health week. This year’s theme is ‘Know Yourself, Grow Yourself’ and children’s mental health charity Place2be and Pixar’s Inside Out characters are joining forces ‘to explore the importance of self-awareness and expressing emotions.’   We’re huge fans of using picture books to help children deal with feelings, problems and situations in which…

  • Picture Book Grandfathers

    Picture Book Grandfathers

    There are so many wonderful picture books celebrating the relationship between children and their grandparents. We love the way that these picture book grandfathers share their knowledge and experiences through work, play and wild adventures!

  • If you go down to the woods today…

    If you go down to the woods today…

    If you go down to the woods today it’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic Day!

  • Blogtour: the Best BEAR TRACKER by John Condon & Julia Christians

    Blogtour: the Best BEAR TRACKER by John Condon & Julia Christians

    Congratulations to John Condon and Julia Christians on the publication of their new picture book, the best BEAR TRACKER. This fun to follow adventure is full of humour and the most adorable bear whose own story is told through wonderfully amusing illustrations.

  • Books about Books, Stories and Reading

    Books about Books, Stories and Reading

    During World Book Day week many children will be celebrating books, stories and reading by dressing up as their favourite characters and holding book related events in school. Many authors and illustrators visit schools or do Skype visits – the week is a real celebration of books. You can find out more about World Book…

  • Story Snug’s most viewed posts in 2021

    Story Snug’s most viewed posts in 2021

    Before I start a new year of blogging I’m taking my annual look back at Story Snug’s most viewed posts in 2021. It was a quieter year on the blog as homeschooling and lockdown made other demands on my time but we read lots of fabulous books and Story Snug still had several visitors –…

  • Favourite Autumn Picture Books

    Favourite Autumn Picture Books

    Autumn is my favourite season – running through leaves in the woods, throwing leaves up in the air and collecting all sorts of autumn goodies – bark, acorns, leaves, conkers. When I was teaching in Early Years I would go out every weekend and come back with bags of treasure for classroom crafts – leaf…

  • This book is PANTS! by John Kane

    This book is PANTS! by John Kane

    This book is PANTS! takes us on a fun, colourful adventure that requires changing pants to suit different occasions. It’s an intergalactic story about friendship, accepting strangers and underwear – the main characters put on ten different pairs of pants throughout the story! The book’s innovative design makes it truly interactive – children can join…

  • Story Soup by Abie Longstaff & Nila Aye

    Story Soup by Abie Longstaff & Nila Aye

    Story Soup is a fun, fast paced story in which imagination and sibling rivalry lead to an action packed, madcap adventure with a diverse range of characters. Ollie isn’t happy when sister Susie joins him to make Story Soup but when their characters get into danger they must find a way to work together to…

  • National Insect Week: Picture Books about Insects

    National Insect Week: Picture Books about Insects

    June 21st to 27th is National Insect Week which encourages people of all ages to learn more about insects. We’ve learnt lots of fascinating facts about different kinds of insects through reading non fiction picture books but also by doing our own research after reading stories with insect main characters.