Little Tiger Press
Sneaky Beak by Tracey Corderoy & Tony Neal
Tracey Corderoy & Tony Neal’s salesbird, Sneaky Beak, is determined to make Bear happy by selling him new household gadgets.
Pirates Don’t Go To School! by Alan MacDonald & Magda Brol
Pirates Don’t Go To School by Alan MacDonald & Magda Brol takes an amusing look at a little pirate’s first day at school.
Dotty and Dash’s 123 by Patricia Hegarty & Craig Shuttlewood
Dotty and Dash’s 123 by Patricia Hegarty & Craig Shuttlewood is a fabulous book to introduce & consolidate number recognition & counting.
Zebra finds quiet places to paint in CHOO-CHOO PEEKABOO by Gareth Lucas. But he keeps getting interrupted by animals on various vehicles.
The Tide by Clare Helen Welsh & Ashling Lindsay
The Tide by Clare Helen Welsh & Ashling Lindsay is a beautifully illustrated book that uses imagery to convey Grandad’s dementia.
What will you be reading this Easter?
What will you be reading this Easter? We’ve chosen stories about the Easter Bunny as well as stories about rabbits & chocolate.
The Big Beyond by James Carter & Aaron Cushley
The Big Beyond by James Carter & Aaron Cushley tells the fascinating story of space travel using a rhyming text.
This is Owl by Libby Walden and Jacqui Lee
This is Owl is ‘A flapping, tapping, clapping interactive book’ which engages young readers by encouraging them to interact with Owl. It’s a fun story to read aloud and, by following a sequence of actions, the child becomes really involved in Owl’s story.
Where Happiness Lives by Barry Timms & Greg Abbott
Where Happiness Lives by Barry Timms & Greg Abbott is the tale of three mice comparing their different homes. But which mouse is happiest?
Spring reading! Picture books about gardens, birds and insects
We’ve chosen some of our favourite picture books for spring reading! They include books about insects, birds & a fabulous activity book.