The Teddy Robinson Storybook by Joan G. Robinson
The Teddy Robinson stories are childhood favourites of mine and I still have my old, battered copy of More About Teddy Robinson with its curled up, brown pages and the illustrations that I coloured as a child. I was delighted to discover that the stories have been reprinted in a new collection and we gave my daughter…
Dangerous! by Tim Warnes
Dangerous! tells the story of a label obsessed Mole who sticks labels onto everything. It’s a very amusing story and I am really excited about the potential for using this book in the literacy classroom.
Learning with Mr Willowby’s Christmas Tree by Robert Barry
Mr Willowby unknowingly spreads festive cheer when he chops the top off his Christmas tree. This lovely rhyming story can be used to stimulate Christmas tree arts, crafts, literacy and numeracy activities.
There’s a Lion in My Cornflakes by Michelle Robinson & Jim Field
Have you ever eaten the same cereal for weeks and weeks so that you can claim the free gift inside? If yes, you will identify with the characters in There’s a Lion in My Cornflakes which won the picture book category in The Sainsbury’s Children’s Book Award 2014.
Whiffy Wilson The Wolf who wouldn’t go to School by Caryl Hart & Leonie Lord
We’ve been reading another great picture book to prepare a child for starting school – Whiffy Wilson The Wolf who wouldn’t go to School. I love the humorous approach that Caryl Hart has added to a familiar situation and she has created a wonderfully supportive friend, Dotty, who helps to ensure that Wilson has lots of…
Seaside picture books
We love spending time at the seaside but we live a very long way from the sea. While we’re waiting for our next beach holiday we’ve been reading our favourite seaside picture books.
Claude in the City by Alex T. Smith
Laughter is the best medicine and Claude and his faithful sidekick Sir Bobblysocks have definitely made my daughter laugh while she has been ill this week. We’ve read Claude in the City and Claude in the Country several times, our favourite part is when Claude has to take Sir Bobblysocks to hospital.
The Mummy Shop by Abie Longstaff & Lauren Beard
The Mummy Shop is written by Abie Longstaff and illustrated by Lauren Beard who also worked together on The Fairytale Hairdresser stories which we love. A little boy’s search for the perfect Mummy is given an amusing and original twist with the inclusion of animal characters who all have their own ideas about how to be…