Crunch! by Carolina Rabei
Crunch is a lovely story about friendship, sharing and new discoveries. The cover illustration immediately intrigued us – a guinea pig eating a watermelon – we just had to read more!
Paddington by Michael Bond and R. W. Alley
Paddington is a childhood favourite of mine and I was delighted to hear that author Michael Bond has just received a CBE for his services to English Literature. I met Michael Bond as a child and one of my prized possessions is a signed copy of Paddington Goes to THE SALES.
Silly Dizzy Dinosaur by Jack Tickle
Silly Dizzy Dinosaur is a fun story that introduces children to following instructions, the concept of the book reminds us of Herve Tullet’s Press Here.
Fictional Best Friends
What would we do without a best friend? June 8th is National Best Friends Day in the USA and we had great fun looking through our book collection to find some of our favourite fictional best friends.
Pirates Don’t Drive Diggers by Alex English & Duncan Beedie
Pirates Don’t Drive Diggers is the amusing, rhyming tale of a young pirate who is obsessed with diggers!
Happy 70th Birthday Pippi Longstocking!
The Pippi Longstocking stories are celebrating their 70th birthday this year, May 21st 1945 was the day that Astrid Lindgren first showed the manuscript to her daughter Karin. Originally written in Swedish the stories have been translated into many different languages as well as being made into films and television series’. Pippi Longstocking (Pippilotta Comestibles Windowshade…
Winnie Under the Sea by Valerie Thomas & Korky Paul
We are huge fans of Winnie the Witch and with our thoughts turning to holidays we’ve been reading Winnie Under the Sea and dreaming of days at the beach.
The Special Guest by Steve Smallman
We love the way that Steve Smallman’s beautifully illustrated title page introduces the characters and sets the scene for The Special Guest, a humorous story about vanity, ingenuity and friendship.
George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake
Our daughter giggled her way through George’s Marvellous Medicine which we read in a day as we enjoyed it so much. She’s now telling anybody who will listen about what happened to Grandma when she took the medicine and insisted that we recommend the book on Story Snug.
The Great Moon Confusion by Richard Byrne
After a visit to the Planetarium and an eclipse we had lots of questions about the moon. The Great Moon Confusion is a wonderful story which explains why it changes size.