
  • Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White
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    Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White

    I read Charlotte’s Web as a child but had forgotten the story and how it ends. It was lovely to read it again with my daughter who enjoyed hearing about Wilbur, the pig, Charlotte, the spider, and our favourite character, Templeton, the rat.

  • Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne & Ernest Shepherd

    Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne & Ernest Shepherd

    I read Winnie the Pooh as a child and my daughter now has her own copy. I wasn’t sure whether she would be too young for the stories but she loves them and we often read several in one sitting.

  • Badger And The Great Storm by Suzanne Chiew & Caroline Pedler

    Badger And The Great Storm by Suzanne Chiew & Caroline Pedler

    Badger And The Great Storm is the perfect story to snuggle up with while the wind howls around outside. Badger’s kindness in helping to protect the woodland animals’ homes is reciprocated when his own home is destroyed in the storm.

  • Hug Me by Simona Ciraolo

    Hug Me by Simona Ciraolo

    Hug Me is the perfect read for National Hugging Day!

  • Dangerous! by Tim Warnes

    Dangerous! by Tim Warnes

    Dangerous! tells the story of a label obsessed Mole who sticks labels onto everything. It’s a very amusing story and I am really excited about the potential for using this book in the literacy classroom.

  • Jolly Snow by Jane Hissey
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    Jolly Snow by Jane Hissey

    I love the way that Jane Hissey’s adorable characters try to help Jolly Tall, the giraffe, understand what snow is. Little Bear, Zebra and Rabbit do their best to help their friend with the support of the two more senior members of the playroom, Old Bear and Bramwell.

  • The Storm Whale by Benji Davies

    The Storm Whale by Benji Davies

    I loved The Storm Whale from the moment I first read it. It was a picture book that I just had to buy. It’s a heartwarming story about loneliness and friendship and the beautiful beach and seaside illustrations bring back some lovely childhood memories of holidays by the sea.

  • On The Way Home by Jill Murphy

    On The Way Home by Jill Murphy

    My copy of On the Way Home has a different picture on the cover and is old, battered and well loved. It was well read when I first started teaching and it’s now the perfect story for my daughter who is trying to make sense of real characters versus fantasy characters, we have long conversations…

  • Tom & Small by Clara Vulliamy

    Tom & Small by Clara Vulliamy

    If you have a child who will soon be starting school, Tom & Small is a great story to help prepare them for the experience. It acknowledges the initial fears that a child may have before giving a positive impression of the experience. My daughter received this book for her second birthday, it is a…

  • Picture Books for International Friendship Day

    Picture Books for International Friendship Day

    To celebrate International Friendship Day we have put together a list of our favourite picture books about friends and the activities that they like to do together (or in Amos McGee’s case, friends who take care of each other).