Father Christmas And Me by Matt Haig & Chris Mould
We love Father Christmas And Me and once we started reading we couldn’t put it down! Told by Amelia, The Girl Who Saved Christmas, it’s full of page turning drama, intrigue, Christmas magic and humour. It’s the perfect festive read. The blurb on the back of the book says ‘Let The Battle For Christmas Begin…’.
Last Stop On The Reindeer Express by Maudie Powell-Tuck & Karl James Mountford
I first saw Last Stop On The Reindeer Express at the Frankfurt Book Fair last year and loved Karl James Mountford’s beautiful illustrations with their cutouts and flaps. This wonderful, festive, magical adventure is full of love and warmth and helps children understand that sometimes families may have to spend the Christmas season apart.
It’s Christmas! by Tracey Corderoy & Tim Warnes
It’s Christmas! is a festive, feelgood story which makes us laugh. Parents, as well as children, will identify with Archie’s infectious, and sometimes overpowering, enthusiasm for all the preparations. Chaos reigns throughout the story and we love the humour in the illustrations.
Make & Play Nativity by Joey Chou
Joey Chou’s Make & Play Nativity is a wonderful introduction to the Nativity for toddlers, pre-schoolers and Early Years children but it’s also a fun activity for older children. This sturdy little board book includes 20 press out figures, craft ideas, The Christmas Story and a selection of popular Christmas carols.
The Storm Dog by Holly Webb & Artful Doodlers
The Storm Dog takes us back in time with Tilly who is learning about life in World War Two for a school project. Great-Gran is nearly ninety and sends Tilly a parcel which takes her back in time to give her the experience of an evacuee firsthand. We really enjoyed this story, as well as…
Story Snug’s 2016 top ten most viewed posts!
Happy New Year to you all! Before we start a new year of blogging curiosity led us to take a quick look back at the 2016 top ten most viewed blogposts. Only one is a blogpost that was written this year and several are our learning activities posts where we have linked arts, crafts, science and other activities to…
Story Snug Advent: Z is for Zoe’s Christmas List
Z is for Zoe’s Christmas List by Chloe and Mick Inkpen
Story Snug Advent: Y is for The 12 Days o Yule
Y is for The 12 Days o Yule by Susan Rennie and Matthew Land
Story Snug Advent: W is for When It Snows
W is for When It Snows by Richard Collingridge