Age 9
Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve & Sarah McIntyre
Rambling Isles, shipwrecks, sarcastic seaweed, posh hairdos and nasty villains all add to the adventure in Oliver and the Seawigs. It’s a very amusing, action packed, first chapter book that would be perfect to pack for a seaside holiday.
The Moomin stories – Comet in Moominland by Tove Jansson
I read most of the Moomin books as a child (I wonder where those books are now!) and my daughter really enjoyed Comet in Moominland which is the second book about the Moomin family who live in a blue house in Moominvalley. The first Moomin story, The Moomins and The Great Flood, was first published in 1945 so,…
Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals by Camilla de le Bedoyere, Rob Colson, Elizabeth Gray & Steve Kirk
Dinosaurs, their origins and how they became extinct have not been topics that we’ve discussed much in our house but that changed when we started reading Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals. This fascinating, beautifully illustrated book is packed full of information and my daughter has been very keen to show the book to friends and visitors.
‘We’re Going On A Book Hunt!’ – Book Quiz
A book quiz is a fun way for a child to think about the books that they have read and also for them to discover new books, especially in their local library or in the school classroom. They are also a great activity for a rainy day in the school holidays or a classroom time filler. I love creating book quizzes,…
The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton and Jan McCafferty
Although I enjoyed many of Enid Blyton’s books as a child, including The Famous Five, Malory Towers and St. Clare’s, I didn’t read The Magic Faraway Tree stories. I had no idea what was so special about the tree and its many inhabitants but once my daughter and I started reading we were both hooked, not…
Fictional Best Friends
What would we do without a best friend? June 8th is National Best Friends Day in the USA and we had great fun looking through our book collection to find some of our favourite fictional best friends.
Authors, illustrators & book bloggers choose books to give to a Royal baby
Story Snug sends many congratulations to The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, Kate and William, on the birth of your little princess.
The Secret Kitten by Holly Webb & Sophy Williams
In The Secret Kitten Lucy and her brother William are adjusting to moving into Gran’s house, going to a new school and making friends. Lucy would love a kitten but Gran doesn’t seem that keen on animals.
George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake
Our daughter giggled her way through George’s Marvellous Medicine which we read in a day as we enjoyed it so much. She’s now telling anybody who will listen about what happened to Grandma when she took the medicine and insisted that we recommend the book on Story Snug.
World Book Day – Book Characters Who Love Books!
On World Book Day many children are celebrating reading and books by dressing up as their favourite book characters and holding book related events in school. This week many authors and illustrators have been visiting schools or doing Skype visits – it’s a real celebration of books and reading. You can find out more about World Book Day on…