Age 9
Where’s Will? Find Shakespeare Hidden In His Plays by Anna Claybourne & Tilly
April 23rd 2016 is the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death and a variety of events will mark the occasion. If you are unfamiliar with Shakespeare’s work Where’s Will? is a great introduction to ten of his plays which have been summarised then portrayed in a pictorial comic strip style which is appealing to children from a fairly young age.
A Book Cake For A New Baby
A friend of mine made me a beautiful diaper cake when I was pregnant. A diaper cake is mostly made up of nappies but various other baby accessories are included – dummies, bibs, washing and babycare accessories etc. We were also given two jigsaws and a Rainbow Fish CD.
Arabel’s Raven by Joan Aiken and Quentin Blake
We have thoroughly enjoyed doing The Classics Challenge and have read some fabulous stories. Arabel’s Raven is the final classic story that we have read this year and it was full of so much humour and intrigue that I’ve bought all the other Arabel and Mortimer stories!
Gobbolino The Witch’s Cat by Ursula Moray Williams & Catherine Rayner
We’re nearly there! Gobblino is is the eleventh book that we have read for the 2015 Classics Challenge which has been a lot of fun. All the books that we have read have been new to my daughter but some have been new to me as well. I don’t remember reading Gobbolino as a child although the story did seem…
Storybook Witches
Halloween is just over a week away and many of you will be reading Halloween themed stories. We have thought of as many fictional witches as we can but we’re sure that we have missed lots! Do you have a favourite fictional witch to add to our list? Winnie the Witch by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul – Winnie is…
The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy
The Worst Witch is the story of Mildred Hubble, a young witch who is often in trouble at school, often through no fault of her own.
Harper And The Scarlet Umbrella by Cerrie Burnell & Laura Ellen Anderson
Harper and the Scarlet Umbrella is a magical adventure which celebrates the power of music and the arts.
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll & Sir John Tenniel
Alice in Wonderland is celebrating her 150th birthday this year and during the summer we visited RHS garden Harlow Carr which was celebrating with an Alice in Wonderland trail. We were given a booklet of trail activities and as well as completing puzzles and quizzes we counted the Queen of Hearts’ tarts at each activity station. The Alice in…
Roald Dahl Day – Esio Trot by Roald Dahl & Quentin Blake
September 13th is Roald Dahl Day! We’ve just started reading Roald Dahl’s books, some of which I read as a child. We loved George’s Marvellous Medicine and have just enjoyed reading Esio Trot. I didn’t know this story although I knew that Esio Trot is tortoise spelled backwards.
Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf by Catherine Storr & Marjorie-Ann Watts
Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf, published in 1955, is the first book about Polly and her adventures with the Wolf who is determined to eat her. Catherine Storr originally wrote the stories to allay her daughter Polly’s fear of wolves. She then wrote a second book, Polly and the Wolf Again.