Age 9
CLICK, CLACK, MOO Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin & Betsy Lewin
Click, Clack, Moo Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin & Betsy Lewin is one of the funniest picture books we’ve read, it has a great twist at the end.
Walt Disney: Sleeping Beauty & Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs adapted by Lily Murray
These Disney versions of Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs and Sleeping Beauty are illustrated using animations and original drawings from the films.
Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise by Swapna Haddow & Alison Friend
Little Rabbit’s Big Surprise by Swapna Haddow & Alison Friend is a first reader which tells the story of Little Rabbit’s day helping Grandpa.
Survival by Anna Claybourne and Louise McNaught
Survival, published in association with conservation charity Tusk, takes a fascinating and informative look at twenty animal species that are facing the challenge of survival. It’s an eye opening look at the dangers that they face and how extremely low the numbers of some species are.
My Naughty Little Sister by Dorothy Edwards & Shirley Hughes
My Naughty Little Sister was one of my favourite childhood books and I’m delighted that my daughter loves her as much as I do. The stories were first published in 1952 and are brought to life through Shirley Hughes’ wonderful illustrations. My Naughty Little Sister was inspired by Dorothy’s younger sister Phyllis and Dorothy created…
How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T. Smith
How Winston Delivered Christmas – An Advent Story in twenty-four-and-a-half chapters is a beautifully illustrated story to read in the countdown to Christmas. Winston, a poor, hungry little mouse, is a determined character who is on an important mission to deliver a letter to Father Christmas. But it’s not an easy task, first he needs…
Happy 6th Birthday Story Snug
I really can’t believe that we’re celebrating Story Snug’s 6th birthday! I had no idea when I started Story Snug that it would become such a big and important part of our life but we’re still having lots of fun blogging and we’re nearly up to 600 blogposts. We have read so many wonderful books, old…
PEEK and SEEK by Violet Peto & Charlotte Milner
PEEK and SEEK is a sturdy lift the flap board book which introduces children to six different animals, birds and insects, their very different habitats, their collective names and a wealth of other information. It also encourages the reader to spot hidden objects in each picture which makes reading the book a fun and very…