Age 7
The Christmas Extravaganza Hotel by Tracey Corderoy & Tony Neal
We’d love to go and spend the festive season with Frog and Bear at The Christmas Extravaganza Hotel! This heartwarming, humorous story introduces a new friendship and celebrates the kindness and sharing that is part of the festive season.
My Naughty Little Sister by Dorothy Edwards & Shirley Hughes
My Naughty Little Sister was one of my favourite childhood books and I’m delighted that my daughter loves her as much as I do. The stories were first published in 1952 and are brought to life through Shirley Hughes’ wonderful illustrations. My Naughty Little Sister was inspired by Dorothy’s younger sister Phyllis and Dorothy created…
How Winston Delivered Christmas by Alex T. Smith
How Winston Delivered Christmas – An Advent Story in twenty-four-and-a-half chapters is a beautifully illustrated story to read in the countdown to Christmas. Winston, a poor, hungry little mouse, is a determined character who is on an important mission to deliver a letter to Father Christmas. But it’s not an easy task, first he needs…
Storm by Sam Usher
Sam Usher’s Storm is a great book to inspire children to go outside and have an autumn adventure. We’ve already met the boy and his grandad in Rain, Sun and Snow and we love the way that their relationship and adventures harness the power of imagination and lead them outside to have fun.
Skeleton and monster picture books to read at Halloween…
We’re creeping closer and closer to Halloween so light the candles, turn out the lights and curl up for a spooky storytelling session with some of our favourite skeleton and monster picture books…
Happy 6th Birthday Story Snug
I really can’t believe that we’re celebrating Story Snug’s 6th birthday! I had no idea when I started Story Snug that it would become such a big and important part of our life but we’re still having lots of fun blogging and we’re nearly up to 600 blogposts. We have read so many wonderful books, old…
PEEK and SEEK by Violet Peto & Charlotte Milner
PEEK and SEEK is a sturdy lift the flap board book which introduces children to six different animals, birds and insects, their very different habitats, their collective names and a wealth of other information. It also encourages the reader to spot hidden objects in each picture which makes reading the book a fun and very…
Peter Pan retold by Caryl Hart and Sarah Warburton
Caryl Hart and Sarah Warburton, one of our favourite author / illustrator duos, have created a beautifully illustrated, rhyming retelling of Peter Pan. Peter Pan is one of my daughter’s favourite stories – she loves the film and we’ve seen the musical. She couldn’t wait to read this new edition of the story.
A CHILDREN’S BOOK OF MINDFULNESS ‘happy’ by Nicola Edwards & Katie Hickey
A CHILDREN’S BOOK OF MINDFULNESS ‘happy’ is a beautifully illustrated introduction to mindfulness which shows children how they can connect to the world around them. In a society full of stress and pressure it’s often difficult to find time to stop and appreciate our surroundings and the people in our lives. Screen time is increasing,…