Age 7
Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup
Kindness Grows is a beautifully illustrated picture book which uses the analogy of a tree to demonstrate the difference between a crack developing in a relationship when we are unkind and the blossoming of a relationship when we care. In a world that is polluted by selfishness and disrespect the book gives readers, young and…
It’s Only One! by Tracey Corderoy & Tony Neal
It’s Only One! is a wonderful story which shows how the consequences of our actions can have an impact on others. One little action may not seem significant but it can lead to a snowball effect which is what happens when Rhino doesn’t put his rubbish in the bin. The impact it has on his…
Marshmallow Pie the Cat Superstar by Clara Vulliamy
Marshmallow Pie the Cat Superstar is a very entertaining, hilariously egocentric character. We immediately warmed to Marshmallow Marmaduke Vanilla-Bean Sugar-Pie Fluffington-Fitz-Noodle (Marshmallow Pie for short) who belongs to a little girl called Amelia. Amelia is determined to make him into a cat superstar. But that is easier said than done…
How To Drive A Roman Chariot by Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves
How To Drive A Roman Chariot is the tenth Albie adventure and it gives a fun introduction to life in Ancient Rome. We are huge fans of Albie, particular favourites of ours are Supermarket Zoo and Plunge into the Pirate Pool, and we love the way that this story takes Albie back in time as well as celebrating…
Blogtour: Happy 10th birthday to Supermarket Zoo’s Albie! + giveaway
Blogtour: Happy 10th birthday to Supermarket Zoo’s Albie! We are delighted to be taking part in the blogtour to celebrate ten years of Caryl Hart and Ed Eaves’ Albie books. Supermarket Zoo was one of the first picture books I bought for my daughter and one of the first that we reviewed on Story Snug. It…
Picture Books About The Sea
We’ll miss our usual holiday to the seaside this year so we decided to read picture books about the sea instead! This led to the discovery of National Marine Week, ‘The Wildlife Trusts’ nationwide celebration of all things marine.’ Between now and August 9th there are various activities taking place in the UK and online to…
The Perfect Shelter by Clare Helen Welsh & Åsa Gilland
I first saw the cover of The Perfect Shelter at Frankfurt Book Fair last autumn and immediately fell in love with Åsa Gilland’s cover illustration. At that time it was only a book cover on a display stand so I had no idea what the story would be about. When we first read The Perfect…
Picture Books published in June 2020
Many authors and illustrators have had to cancel or postpone book launches and haven’t had the opportunity to promote their books in real life. We invited authors, illustrators and publishers to share news of their picture books published in June 2020 so that we could share them with you.
A Bear named Bjorn by Delphine Perret
A Bear Named Bjorn is a wonderful, humorous first chapter book about Bjorn’s everyday adventures. Bjorn lives in a cave in the forest and his friends include The Fox, The Weasel and The Badger. Their simple forest life is juxtaposed with elements of the human world and the gentle humour in each chapter comes from…