Age 6

  • Story Snug’s 2018 International Book Giving Day Giveaway!
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    Story Snug’s 2018 International Book Giving Day Giveaway!

    We are so excited about our 2018 International Book Giving Day giveaway and would like to say a huge huge thank you to all the authors and illustrators who are helping us to celebrate by generously giving books.

  • The Pirates of Scurvy Sands by Jonny Duddle

    The Pirates of Scurvy Sands by Jonny Duddle

    Matilda and The Jolley-Rogers are back in The Pirates of Scurvy Sands, a holiday adventure which is published today. We first met Jim Lad and his family in The Pirates Next Door which was one of the very first picture books that I bought for my daughter and we love absolutely love this new story.

  • Hidden World Ocean by Libby Walden & Stephanie Fizer-Coleman

    Hidden World Ocean by Libby Walden & Stephanie Fizer-Coleman

    Hidden World Ocean is a beautifully illustrated, sturdy lift-the-flap book which introduces children to thirty six different sea dwelling creatures. It’s a colourful introduction to sea life which includes many different species including sharks, octopuses, various fish and crabs.

  • Author Cath Jones talks about ‘Bonkers About Beetroot’

    Author Cath Jones talks about ‘Bonkers About Beetroot’

    Bonkers About Beetroot is Cath Jones’ debut picture book and it’s completely bonkers! Cath and I met online through SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) and I am always very excited when writing friends become published authors. It’s lovely to welcome her to Story Snug to answer my questions about her books, her writing…

  • The Last Chip by Duncan Beedie

    The Last Chip by Duncan Beedie

    The Last Chip The Story of a Very Hungry Pigeon is the story of Percy the pigeon’s quest to find food. Percy’s story highlights the desperate situation of somebody who is extremely hungry and also introduces children to the concept of homelessness and living on the streets.

  • I say OOH You say AAH by John Kane

    I say OOH You say AAH by John Kane

    I say OOH You say AAH is a hilarious read aloud picture book. It is hugely entertaining for the reader and the listener and introduces children to the concept of following instructions in a fun way. Listener responses are a big part of the reading experience and the first time we read the book together my…

  • Meet the… Ancient Romans / Meet the… Ancient Egyptians by James Davies

    Meet the… Ancient Romans / Meet the… Ancient Egyptians by James Davies

    Meet the… Ancient Romans and Meet the… Ancient Egyptians are sturdy, non fiction picture books that introduce children (and adults!) to life in ancient times. Each book opens with an introduction to the era, includes a wealth of fascinating historical facts and ends with a timeline. The Meet the… books are full of fascinating, often…

  • Dotty Detective The Birthday Surprise by Clara Vulliamy

    Dotty Detective The Birthday Surprise by Clara Vulliamy

    Dotty Detective The Birthday Surprise is the fifth Dotty Detective book and is published today. We have a huge Dotty Detective fan in our house, as soon as she’d finished reading this book she asked when the next one will be published!

  • Last Stop On The Reindeer Express by Maudie Powell-Tuck & Karl James Mountford

    Last Stop On The Reindeer Express by Maudie Powell-Tuck & Karl James Mountford

    I first saw Last Stop On The Reindeer Express at the Frankfurt Book Fair last year and loved Karl James Mountford’s beautiful illustrations with their cutouts and flaps. This wonderful, festive, magical adventure is full of love and warmth and helps children understand that sometimes families may have to spend the Christmas season apart.

  • It’s Christmas! by Tracey Corderoy & Tim Warnes

    It’s Christmas! by Tracey Corderoy & Tim Warnes

    It’s Christmas! is a festive, feelgood story which makes us laugh. Parents, as well as children, will identify with Archie’s infectious, and sometimes overpowering, enthusiasm for all the preparations. Chaos reigns throughout the story and we love the humour in the illustrations.