Age 6
Sidney the Lonely Cloud by Tim Hopgood
Sidney the Lonely Cloud just wants to make people smile. But most people don’t want him around. This heartwarming story takes Sidney on a journey to find somewhere that he belongs, somewhere that he will be appreciated.
Monsters At School by Laura Baker & Nina Dzyvulska
While many of us are looking forward to the summer holidays there are also parents who are thinking ahead to their child’s first day at school. Monsters At School, a vibrant picture book which introduces a huge cast of monster characters involved in various classroom activities, can help parents explain the transition in a fun…
Your House is not just a House by Idris Goodwin & Lorraine Nam
Your House is not Just a House – there’s a lot more to it than that!
A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast by Colleen Larmour
A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast is an amusing story that reminds us that breakfast is an important meal of the day. But it’s EXTREMELY important when you’re a crocodile whose job involves interacting with members of the public!
This Table by Alex Killian & Brooke Smart
This Table is the story of a lovingly crafted, handmade table and the role that it plays as a family celebrates the events, large and small, that make up their family life.
International Dance Day
Happy International Dance Day 2024!
Made For Us by Polly Owen & Daniel Duncan
Made For Us introduces us to various objects that have been designed to help people in their daily lives. It takes a fascinating look at familiar objects that we often use without thinking. But they’ve all been designed to make our lives easier.
Earth Day: Books About The Environment
Earth Day has been celebrated annually on April 22nd since 1970. Earth Day’s mission is ‘to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.’ These books about the environment have given us insight and information into how we can protect our earth for ourselves and future generations.
The Hoys by Kes Gray & Mark Chambers
OOOH ARRR! The Hoys is the perfect picture book for pirate fans who, like main character, Pirate Jake, may also have wondered what exactly ‘Ahoy’ is!
Searching For Home by Chantal Bourgonje
Searching for Home is a beautifully illustrated, gentle story about friendship. We read lots of picture books but this is the first we’ve read with a house sprite as the main character 🙂