Age 4

  • Elmer, Rose and Super El by David McKee

    Elmer, Rose and Super El by David McKee

    The first Elmer book about a patchwork elephant and his friends has always been my favourite of the Elmer stories and it is usually my daughter’s first choice from the Elmer stories that we have. However, we have just met Super El, the flying superhero elephant!

  • The Trouble with Gran by Babette Cole

    The Trouble with Gran by Babette Cole

    I have always loved Babette Cole’s humorous stories with their quirky illustrations and I first read ‘The Trouble with….’ stories when I was doing my teacher training. We already enjoy The Trouble with Gran picture book so I was very curious to see the newly published eBook. The Story: Gran is not like other grans,…

  • Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam by Tracey Corderoy & Steven Lenton

    Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam by Tracey Corderoy & Steven Lenton

    If you come and visit us you are very likely to have a copy of Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam waved under your nose. My daughter received it as a birthday present and is very keen to show it to anybody who is likely to sit down and read it with her.

  • Mrs Armitage and The Big Wave by Quentin Blake

    Mrs Armitage and The Big Wave by Quentin Blake

    I loved Quentin Blake’s illustrations in the Roald Dahl books that I read as a child but I hadn’t read any of his picture books until my daughter brought Mrs Armitage and The Big Wave home from a birthday party. She thinks the story is hilariously funny and giggles in anticipation of her favourite pictures.…

  • Dog Loves Drawing by Louise Yates

    Dog Loves Drawing by Louise Yates

    I think the idea of drawing your own adventure is lovely and the first time we read Dog Loves Drawing I just wanted to keep turning the pages to see what and who Dog and his friends were going to draw next. Now we read the story at a more leisurely pace so we can…

  • I ♡ Bedtime by Clara Vulliamy

    I ♡ Bedtime by Clara Vulliamy

    The antics of the adorable bunnies in I ♡ Bedtime make my daughter giggle uncontrollably – any book that produces such mirth and merriment in a child is also a winner with me!

  • Hello! Is that Grandma? – Ian Whybrow / Deborah Allwright

    Hello! Is that Grandma? – Ian Whybrow / Deborah Allwright

    Hello! Is that Grandma? is one of the stories that we read when we go and stay with grandparents, it’s an integral part of our visit to Grandma! My daughter enjoys lifting the flaps to see what is happening in the humorous, colourful illustrations.

  • Joanna Gray recommends The Snaggle Grollop by Daniel Postgate

    Joanna Gray recommends The Snaggle Grollop by Daniel Postgate

    This is a delightful story that incorporates not only the responsibilities of owning a pet, but the enjoyment they bring to family life. Nick Price’s illustrations are bright and cheerful and my children and I love the way they bring the Snaggle Grollop’s character to life. Not only this, but they very cleverly interweave a…

  • The Wind in the Willows retold by Lesley Sims

    The Wind in the Willows retold by Lesley Sims

    The retelling of The Wind in the Willows is one of a range of classic stories that have been published by Usborne as picture books. I love the idea of introducing young children to classic stories in a picture book format and it is also great for me to read the ones I may have…

  • Me and My Dad by Alison Ritchie & Alison Edgson

    Me and My Dad by Alison Ritchie & Alison Edgson

    Tomorrow is Fathers’ Day in Germany so we have been reading all the books that we have given Daddy over the years. One of our favourites is Me and My Dad.