Age 4

  • What Small Rabbit Heard by Sheryl Webster & Tim Warnes

    What Small Rabbit Heard by Sheryl Webster & Tim Warnes

    What Small Rabbit Heard by Sheryl Webster & Tim Warnes is an amusing story which shows how Small Rabbit discovers he can have fun in the wind.

  • Lucky Wish Mouse Starting School by Clara Vulliamy

    Lucky Wish Mouse Starting School by Clara Vulliamy

    We borrowed Lucky Wish Mouse Starting School, a story about ten tiny mice starting school from the library, and have read it at least once a day since. My daughter loves it and the reading is always accompanied by lots of giggles.

  • Tom & Millie’s Great Big Treasure Hunt by Guy Parker-Rees

    Tom & Millie’s Great Big Treasure Hunt by Guy Parker-Rees

    Tom & Millie’s Great Big Treasure Hunt is a first adventure story which introduces counting, colours and shapes through Guy Parker-Rees’ fantastically detailed illustrations. We spend lots of time poring over each page to see what all the animals are doing while we are helping Tom and Millie to hunt for clues.

  • Ella by Alex T. Smith

    Ella by Alex T. Smith

    I was looking for a picture book with a character who wore glasses and I found Ella, the story of an adorably feisty ladybird. It’s a great twist on the Cinderella story, all of the characters are insects. My daughter is currently fascinated by all kinds of insects (she’s quite happy to pick them up!) so…

  • Tom & Small by Clara Vulliamy

    Tom & Small by Clara Vulliamy

    If you have a child who will soon be starting school, Tom & Small is a great story to help prepare them for the experience. It acknowledges the initial fears that a child may have before giving a positive impression of the experience. My daughter received this book for her second birthday, it is a…

  • One More Candle by Merry Susiarjo & Emmeline Pidgen

    One More Candle by Merry Susiarjo & Emmeline Pidgen

    My daughter calls this beautifully illustrated book ‘Nola’s story’ which is so apt as throughout the book Nola struggles to accept that she is younger than her sister, Betty. How old you are and who is older / younger than you are very important to young children and One More Candle introduces the theme of…

  • Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne

    Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne

    Handa’s Surprise is a lovely, simple story which provides a great first learning experience for a child who has no knowledge or experience of Africa.

  • Picture Books for International Friendship Day

    Picture Books for International Friendship Day

    To celebrate International Friendship Day we have put together a list of our favourite picture books about friends and the activities that they like to do together (or in Amos McGee’s case, friends who take care of each other).

  • Prince Cinders by Babette Cole

    Prince Cinders by Babette Cole

    Prince Cinders isn’t your archetypal dashing prince (unlike his three, large, hairy brothers) but with the help of a dirty fairy he does get his happy ending!

  • Friends by Helme Heine

    Friends by Helme Heine

    This story about friendship and the relationship between a trio of very different farm animals has been translated from the German story, Freunde.