Age 4
The Magical Snow Garden by Tracey Corderoy & Jane Chapman
We’ve borrowed the German translation of The Magical Snow Garden (Gib night auf. Pelle Pinguin) from the library several times and are now enjoying reading the original English version with its glittery, silvery cover.
Storybook Witches
Halloween is just over a week away and many of you will be reading Halloween themed stories. We have thought of as many fictional witches as we can but we’re sure that we have missed lots! Do you have a favourite fictional witch to add to our list? Winnie the Witch by Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul – Winnie is…
Ten Spooky Skeletons by Patricia Hegarty, Annette Rusling & Garry Parsons
Ten Spooky Skeletons is a fun Halloween counting book for little people which, despite the word spooky in the title, is not spooky or scary at all!
Aerodynamics of Biscuits by Clare Helen Welsh & Sophia Touliatou
Do you like biscuits? Do you like cheese? Have you ever thought of using them to build different modes of transport? Aerodynamics of Biscuits (such a fantastic title!) is not a book to read when you are hungry, so many different biscuits and cheeses are included in this very amusing story.
World Egg Day – picture books about eggs
Did you know that today is World Egg Day? World Egg Day is celebrated on the second Friday of October every year and was established to help raise awareness of the benefits of eggs.
Happy 3rd Birthday to Story Snug
Story Snug is 3 years old today! When I started blogging I had no idea what a big part of my life Story Snug would become but I soon discovered that blogging is a lot of fun. We have read so many wonderful books over the last three years and I have chatted with lots of lovely authors, illustrators…
Funnybones by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
I was so excited to find a copy of Funnybones in a charity shop in the summer, it was one of the books that I had in the book corner of my first classroom and was very popular among the four and five year olds in my class. My daughter and I have read it several…
Storysack: Itchy Bear by Neil Griffiths & Judith Blake
I am a huge fan of storysacks and the potential that they provide for learning. We often make our own storysacks but you can also buy ready made storysacks which are a wonderful resource to have either at home or in a school classroom or library.
Tree by Patricia Hegarty & Britta Teckentrup
Tree is a beautifully illustrated, peek-through, rhyming story that shows the changes that take place during each different season. It’s a great book to read throughout the year but particularly good for autumn when children are often more aware of leaves changing colour and falling off the trees.
Learning with Mix It Up by Hervé Tullet
We love Hervé Tullet’s ‘Press Here‘ and ‘Mix It Up’ is a lot of fun too. It’s a great book to read but also provides an introduction to the three primary colours, the secondary colours that result from mixing them and shows how you can make colours lighter or darker.