Age 4
Cat’s Colours by Airlie Anderson
Cat’s Colours is a beautifully illustrated story which introduces young children to colours. With it’s simple text and bold illustrations it’s the perfect book for a nursery classroom or home library.
the Perfect Picnic by Ciara Flood
Summer is coming and (depending on the weather!) it’s the perfect time for a picnic. But so many decisions have to be made – what should be in the sandwiches? Where is the ideal location for a picnic? Can a picnic ever be really perfect?!
I am TOO absolutely small for school (Charlie & Lola) by Lauren Child
If you have a child who is starting school this year now is the time to start reading picture books about characters who are also going through the same experience. In I am TOO absolutely small for school we love the conversations between Lola and her big brother Charlie about her thoughts and reasons for not wanting to…
Nibbles The Book Monster by Emma Yarlett
Nibbles The Book Monster has become a well loved member of the family despite being a character who chews through books and causes complete chaos in the stories that he visits! We have already introduced you to Nibbles as part of author / illustrator Emma Yarlett’s blog tour but my daughter loves this story so much that she asked me to write about the book…
The Very Grumpy Day by Stella J Jones & Alison Edgson
Everybody has grumpy days and today it’s Bear’s turn! We really love this simple but fun story which is great for showing children how their moods can affect the moods of those around them and how the power of kindness can often help to solve a problem.
Stories to prepare children for their first day of school
The first day of school can often be a stressful experience for both a parent and a child. We would definitely recommend reading picture books about starting school to introduce children to this new experience, it’s a huge milestone in their life! If you start reading now you will have plenty of time to talk to your child about their first…
My Lucky Day by Keiko Kasza
My Lucky Day makes us laugh, a friend gave us her copy when she moved away and we’ve read and enjoyed it countless times. Mr Fox thinks it’s his lucky day when a piglet knocks on his door but the piglet is smarter than Mr Fox realises…
Goodnight Tiger by Timothy Knapman & Laura Hughes
How would you help a Tiger who can’t sleep?
The Dawn Chorus by Suzanne Barton
It’s the time of year when we are woken up by birds singing at dawn, living next to woods means that the concert can be particularly loud! The Dawn Chorus by Suzanne Barton is a gorgeous book that is really relevant to read right now and has stimulated discussion about which kinds of birds we can hear singing in…