Age 4
SUPERHEROES DON’T GET SCARED by Kate Thompson & Clare Elsom
SUPERHEROES DON’T GET SCARED is a fabulously empowering, humorous picture book that can help children to understand their emotions and reassure them that it’s ok to be scared sometimes. The superheroes in the story all have a particular fear and their experiences help main character Maisie learn to face up to her own.
The River by Tom Percival
The River uses beautiful imagery to help children deal with grief. We’re huge fans of Tom Percival’s picture books and his stunning illustrations combined with a simple lyrical text will give comfort to young readers who may be coming to terms with loss. It’s an emotive story about friendship, grief, healing and kindness.
Blog Tour: FUNNY BUMS, FREAKY BEAKS and other incredible creature features by Alex Morss, Sean Taylor & Sarah Edmonds
FUNNY BUMS, FREAKY BEAKS and other incredible creature features takes a fascinating look at the more unusual features of a range of weird and wonderful animals. It explains how many of these features are there for a reason and have evolved over time to help a creature survive.
The Journey Home by Frann Preston-Gannon
The Journey Home has been republished in a beautiful ten year anniversary edition. It takes a poignant look at the experiences and emotions of endangered animals who travel far from home when their habitats and lives are put in danger. It mirrors the current situation in Ukraine and the uncertainty and emotions of refugees who…
HOW MESSY! by Clare Helen Welsh & Olivier Tallec
Dot and Duck are back in a new story – HOW MESSY! We love this duo whose opposing views cause them to come to blows before solving their problems in an innovative way. All readers will be able to identify with one or other of the characters – depending on whether you are messy or…
Me, in the Middle by Annette Demetriou & Angela Mayers
Me, in the Middle is a fabulous celebration of diversity in all forms. Focussing on a class family tree project it shows the diversity of today’s family structures and enables children from different cultures, adoptive families, single parent families, large families, small families and families with single sex parents to see themselves in a beautifully…
Dodos ARE NOT EXTINCT! by Paddy Donnelly
Dodos ARE NOT EXTINCT! takes a hilarious but informative look at several species of extinct animals. Woolly mammoths, dinosaurs, sabre-toothed tigers and great auks, to name but a few, are brought to life in an amusing and original way which also adds lots of learning to the laughter.
Picture Book Mums
Mums come in all different shapes and sizes and more and more picture books portraying their roles in diverse family structures are now being published. Patchwork families, single parent families, foster families and families with same sex parents all play a role in society today and it’s important that children see these different family structures…
My Must-Have Mum by Maudie Smith & Jen Khatun
We’re delighted to welcome author Maudie Smith to Story Snug to talk about her new picture book, My Must-Have Mum illustrated by Jen Khatun. We love My Must-Have Mum! She’s resourceful, innovative, seizes opportunities and cares deeply about her son, Jake.