Age 2

  • Toto by Ximo Abadía

    Toto by Ximo Abadía

    Toto is a quirky, inspiring story which conveys an important message – follow your dreams, believe in yourself and don’t give up! We love the story of a donkey who leaves his small town to travel to the big city to fulfil his dream of becoming an astronaut.

  • Alphabet Street by Jonathan Emmett and Ingela P Arrhenius

    Alphabet Street by Jonathan Emmett and Ingela P Arrhenius

    We love the way that Alphabet Street introduces children to the alphabet using colourful characters and rhymes.The sturdy lift the flap book folds out into a fabulous play scene, it really makes learning the alphabet a fun and interactive experience.

  • Skeleton and monster picture books to read at Halloween…

    Skeleton and monster picture books to read at Halloween…

    We’re creeping closer and closer to Halloween so light the candles, turn out the lights and curl up for a spooky storytelling session with some of our favourite skeleton and monster picture books…

  • Pip and Posy Jigsaw Building Blocks with a Book by Axel Scheffler

    Pip and Posy Jigsaw Building Blocks with a Book by Axel Scheffler

    We are huge fans of Pip and Posy and are very excited about the new Pip and Posy Jigsaw Building Blocks. Pip and Posy played a huge role in our daughter’s early reading journey and we had a lot of fun putting the building blocks together and reading some of the stories that they came…

  • Happy 6th Birthday Story Snug
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    Happy 6th Birthday Story Snug

    I really can’t believe that we’re celebrating Story Snug’s 6th birthday! I had no idea when I started Story Snug that it would become such a big and important part of our life but we’re still having lots of fun blogging and we’re nearly up to 600 blogposts. We have read so many wonderful books, old…

  • Blogtour: ‘HOW RUDE!’ author Clare Helen Welsh talks about ‘What SCBWI means to me’
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    Blogtour: ‘HOW RUDE!’ author Clare Helen Welsh talks about ‘What SCBWI means to me’

    We are delighted to welcome author Clare Helen Welsh to Story Snug. Clare has joined us as part of her blog tour to celebrate publication of her newest picture book, HOW RUDE! Five years ago Clare joined SCBWI and she’s given us a fascinating insight into the role that being a member played on her road to publication.

  • Ooooh! Arrrr! Pirate Picture Books: #InternationalTalkLikeAPirateDay

    Ooooh! Arrrr! Pirate Picture Books: #InternationalTalkLikeAPirateDay

    Pirate picture books have long been popular with young children and as a child I regularly borrowed the Captain Pugwash books from the library as well as watching him on television. Cartoonist John Ryan, who created the Captain Pugwash stories, died in 2009 but several of his Captain Pugwash books have been reprinted by Quarto.

  • I thought I saw a… bear! by Lydia Nichols

    I thought I saw a… bear! by Lydia Nichols

    I thought I saw a… bear! is a really cute board book with a very simple text and a repetitive refrain. It introduces young children to different kinds of transport and a bear who likes to hide!

  • Lunch on a Pirate Ship by Caryl Hart & Kristina Stephenson

    Lunch on a Pirate Ship by Caryl Hart & Kristina Stephenson

    Lunch on a Pirate Ship stars a young boy called Jack who, unimpressed by what his mother is serving up for lunch, boards a pirate ship in search of something more tasty. Adventure abounds in this rollicking, rhyming adventure which had us turning the pages to see what Jack and his friends would eventually eat.

  • Happy Birthday Allan Ahlberg!

    Happy Birthday Allan Ahlberg!

    Happy Birthday Allan Ahlberg! My younger brother had many of Janet and Allan Ahlberg’s stories on his bookshelf and when I first started teaching they were a staple of my classroom book box. I know so many of the Ahlberg’s stories off by heart, I regularly read them aloud to my first reception and year…