Age 14

  • The Wrong Shoes by Tom Percival

    The Wrong Shoes by Tom Percival

    The Wrong Shoes takes a heart wrenching, emotional look at the challenges faced by children living in extreme poverty. It provoked so many different emotional responses as I became immersed in Will’s struggles against an array of problems stemming from his father’s ill health and their lack of money.

  • Earth Day: Books About The Environment

    Earth Day: Books About The Environment

    Earth Day has been celebrated annually on April 22nd since 1970. Earth Day’s mission is ‘to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide.’ These books about the environment have given us insight and information into how we can protect our earth for ourselves and future generations.

  • A Mind Like Mine by Rachael Davis & Islenia Mill

    A Mind Like Mine by Rachael Davis & Islenia Mill

    A MIND LIKE MINE takes a look at twenty one famous people, past and present, who have lived with or are living with various mental health conditions. They come from a range of diverse backgrounds and have achieved success in sport, science, politics and the arts.

  • February 14th is International Book Giving Day!
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    February 14th is International Book Giving Day!

    It’s just a week until International Book Giving Day which takes place on February 14th. It’s one of Story Snug’s favourite days of the year. Books last much longer than chocolates and flowers and our daughter is far more excited when she receives a book than she is about celebrating Valentines Day!

  • Christmas Craft Book by Laura Minter & Tia Williams

    Christmas Craft Book by Laura Minter & Tia Williams

    Christmas Craft Book is a brilliant activity book full of 30 fun & festive projects to make with kids. It’s an absolute treasure trove of stunning, easy to make crafts that use many everyday household items. If you’re looking for fun ways to keep children of all ages busy and entertained in the days up…

  • The Very Merry Murder Club edited by Serena Patel & Robin Stevens & illustrated by Harry Woodgate

    The Very Merry Murder Club edited by Serena Patel & Robin Stevens & illustrated by Harry Woodgate

    The Very Merry Murder Club is a collection of thirteen winter mysteries edited by Serena Patel and Robin Stevens. It’s a wonderfully diverse anthology including stories written by thirteen different authors. The stories, many taking place at Christmas, introduce characters from a variety of ethnic backgrounds as well as single parent families, same sex parents,…

  • Blogtour: Jane Austen Investigates: The Abbey Mystery by Julia Golding

    Blogtour: Jane Austen Investigates: The Abbey Mystery by Julia Golding

    Jane Austen Investigates: The Abbey Mystery is an action packed, page turning mystery starring thirteen year old Jane Austen. Set in 1789 it gives a fascinating insight into the class system of the time, high society entertainment and new inventions. We love the way that it combines a fast paced mystery with a historical setting…

  • Climate Emergency Atlas by Dan Hooke

    Climate Emergency Atlas by Dan Hooke

    Climate Emergency Atlas What’s Happening – What Can We Do takes a fascinating and in depth look at our earth’s climate, what climate change is and how it’s affecting our planet. Although Thursday 22nd April is Earth Day every day should be Earth Day, our planet desperately needs our help. But this book has some great suggestions…

  • Blog tour: Monstrous Devices by Damien Love

    Blog tour: Monstrous Devices by Damien Love

    Story Snug is excited to be joining Damien Love’s Monstrous Devices blogtour. Monstrous Devices, Damien’s debut novel which has just been published in paperback, is a fast paced, action packed adventure which takes us on a journey across Europe as old secrets and rivalries are uncovered. Human and robot lives are intertwined in a page…

  • Happy Birthday Story Snug – 8 years old today!
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    Happy Birthday Story Snug – 8 years old today!

    I can’t believe that Story Snug is 8 years old today! It’s been a funny old year, for obvious reasons, and blogging took a bit of a back seat due to other demands on my time. But every cloud has a silver lining and we’ve had a lot more time to read 🙂