
I’m always happy to read new stories so if you have favourite picture books it would be great to hear your recommendations.

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31 responses to “Guestbook”

  1. hansenjc13 avatar

    Hi Catherine! Is there a way to subscribe to your blog?

    1. Catherine avatar

      Yes, there‘s a subscribe option kn the main page‘s right sidebar or scroll down to the bottom of the page on a tablet.

  2. Raine Catalano avatar

    What a fantastic idea! I have written and published two children’s books, Once Upon A Dream and Twice Upon A Dream. Both full of inspirational and educational poems for children of all ages! You can check out some of my work on Google+ Shilo Publishing: A collection of children’s poems 🙂

    1. Catherine Friess avatar

      Thank you for visiting Raine 🙂

  3. Adventures of a Novice Mum avatar

    What a lovely ‘about me’ page you’ve got. It’s good that you recommend rather than review; and you do give a real flavour of the books you review (i’ve read some of them). Germany is such a beautiful country, isn’t it. I’ve visited on school exchanges a few times and I’ve really enjoyed it.

    Thanks so much for linking to #SoMeBlogLuv way back in May. I’ve flaked on this linky but I’m going to relaunch it because I’ve decided it’s worth it. So sorry that it took me forever to return to comment 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      No worries, sometimes you can’t always comment quickly and I’m impressed that you’re returning my comment after all this time. Thank you!

  4. Chris Robertson avatar

    Hi Catherine,

    I just recently followed you on Twitter and I love your blog!

    I wanted to let you know that I have a new Children’s ebook called, “My Yellow Umbrella”. My last book was “Pandora’s Box” which I illustrated for author Julia Dweck.

    I was wondering , if you’re not too busy, whether you would be interested in receiving “My Yellow Umbrella” for a review. I would be happy to send you advance copy. Just let me know if this works for you.

    Thanks so much!
    Chris Robertson

    1. Catherine avatar

      Thank you for following, I’m happy to hear that you are enjoying my blog 🙂

      Thank you also for the offer of an advance copy of My Yellow Umbrella. At present I am not recommending ebooks (unless they are the ebook version of a picture book) but that may change at some point in the future.

  5. Naomi avatar

    Hi Catherine,

    We have just published a lovely brand new limited edition of Jane Hissey’s Jolly Snow, from the classic Old Bear series.

    If you are interested, we would love to send you a copy to be featured on your blog.

    Best wishes,


    1. Catherine avatar

      Thank you for your kind offer Naomi. If you are happy with our recommendation policy I would love to see a copy of the newly published Jolly Snow.

  6. Merry avatar

    Hi Catherine, will you accept to read my up-coming picture book? I can send you a copy for consideration. Please let me know your address. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you!

    1. Catherine avatar

      Congratulations on your new book Merry. I would love to read One More Candle and if my family and I like it I would be happy to recommend it. Thank you for visiting Story Snug 🙂

  7. Iryna avatar

    Hi Cat,
    Now I became subscriber of your blog. Even we in our family don’t read books in English, I like read your recommendations. By the way, Michel is more and more interesting in English. Might be, we will choose one or more books recommended by you. 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      Thank you for visiting Story Snug and subscribing to the blog Iryna. I would be very happy to show you some of our English books.

  8. Ulrike avatar

    We have a new book called “Freunde” bei Mies van Hout. I am sure it exists in english as well. It is just great – wonderful illustrations and a good book to talk about with your youngster (and probably for many times for many years). I will show it to you when I see you.
    Like your site! Ulrike

    1. Catherine avatar

      Thanks Ulrike, I’ve just looked it up. It is called Friends in English. I love the illustrations 🙂

  9. Kate Davis-Holmes avatar

    Dear Catherine
    I wonder if you might be interested in having details of a forthcoming report from a charity about a literacy crisis as they are looking for bloggers to help them spread awareness.

  10. Cathy avatar

    Hi Catherine,
    I would love to have you review my new book The Adventures of Lovable Lobo – Lobo Visits the Barnyard by C.L. Murphy.
    Please let me know if you are interested.
    Thank you for your time.
    C.L. Murphy

    1. Catherine avatar

      Thank you very much for your kind offer. At present I am not recommending ebooks but that may change at some point in the future.

  11. Sarah avatar

    I’m so excited to meet you! I’m in the process of starting another blog that is very similar to yours…picture book reviews! Maybe we can work together at some point once I get it up and running!

    Happy New Year!

  12. Diana avatar

    Hi Catherine,
    I love your blog . Very good !
    Could you also recommend CD’s for little ones ? With rhymes and songs , so we can sing along in the car !

    1. Catherine avatar

      Hi Diana, thanks for visiting Story Snug. I have two CD recommendations on the blog tomorrow, both tried and tested over and over and over again!

  13. jenny fee avatar

    Hi Catherine – i love your site, and many of the books you have listed i have read multiple times with my 9, 7 and 4 year olds! I published my first children’s book in 2011 – Pancakes at Midnight – Jet Lag and the Young Traveler. It is particularly fitting for young expats who travel “far away” to visit grandma or other relatives! would you be interested in seeing it? could i send you a copy? to which address? i live in switzerland. would love to hear from you and thanks again for your site – jenny

    1. Catherine avatar

      Hi Jenny, I’m pleased that you like the site. I would be very interested in reading Pancakes at Midnight and if my family and I like it I would be happy to recommend it.

  14. Sarah avatar

    What a great resource I will pass it onto my early years friends at work. My recommendation is shark in the park by Nick Sharratt, it’s funny and it rhymes and the pictures are bright and eye catching. It keeps little ones really interested and there is lots of repetition. A great ending too.

  15. Jamie Mueller avatar
    Jamie Mueller

    Congratulations, Cat! I am so excited to see your blog up and look forward to all of your creative writing…and one day reading your books to our little ones!

  16. Donna Gwinnell Weidner avatar

    Congratulations on your new site…what a wonderful resource. Having just left Germany, I’m happy to see that the SCBWI community is growing. All the best in all your endeavors…Donna
    P.S. One of my favorite Picture Books is ISH by Peter Reynolds

  17. Wendy avatar

    Hi Catherine – What a super resource this is. I shall definitely be returning here when shopping for the little people in my family. Thanks for getting it together, and best of luck with it. Wendy x

  18. Rita Antoinette Borg avatar

    I have written a picture book called Meg the Egg. I would love to send a book to you and see if you could recommend it.


    1. Catherine avatar

      Thank you for your generous offer Rita. I would love to read your book and if my family and I like it I would be happy to recommend it.

  19. Anna avatar

    Hi Catherine, glad to see you’re online now! Best of luck with this site. I love the design. x Anna