Monster Post - Story Snug

Monster Post by Emma Yarlett

Monster Post is an amusing, interactive adventure that starts when Beast catches Dinner. But preparing to eat Dinner is not as straightforward as Beast imagined!

The Story: When Beast catches Dinner he sends monster post to all of his friends and invites them to join him. Their replies include several dinner requests with suggestions as to how Beast can make Dinner more tasty. But quick thinking Dinner’s attempts to stall Beast’s culinary efforts lead to Beast having so much fun that he no longer wants to eat Dinner…

Beast’s friends reply to his invitation with fun lift the flap letters. They suggest he makes Dinner plumper, saltier and slimier which lead to fun adventures for the main characters who start to enjoy each other’s company. As they get to know each other Beast is faced with a new problem – if he can’t eat Dinner what will he feed his hungry friends?

We love opening and reading the letters, the friends have such amusing names – Sir Gutguzzler is our favourite and we love the way he sends a recipe for cockroach cola. The Hairy Fairy’s dietary requirements include no gluten, dairy or toenails, hopefully Beast won’t serve the toenails that Madame Gargoyle includes with her helpful reply!

There are so many amusing details in the bold colourful illustrations. We love Beast’s snow monster but our favourite illustration is the monster feast at the end which includes plump chocolate fingers and friendship cupcakes.

We also love the monstrously tasty recipes included at the beginning of the book!

Monster Post is a fun book to read in an Early Years classroom. It can stimulate discussions about what children could serve monsters for dinner and encourage them to think of ways to help Dinner and Beast solve the problem of their hungry guests!

Age Range: 3 +

Author / Illustrator: Emma Yarlett

We’re also huge fans of Emma Yarlett’s Nibbles the Book Monster and Nibbles the Dinosaur Guide.

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8 responses to “Monster Post by Emma Yarlett”

  1. angiemwebster77 avatar

    This is the sort of book my kids absolutely loved when they were younger. Interactive books add that extra layer of fun and help to make reading exciting, the letters are a great touch.

    1. Catherine avatar

      I love letters in books. The Jolly Postman has always been one of my favourites 🙂

  2. Lisa | Handmade in Israel avatar

    Cockroach cola? Yuk! Is dinner ever straightforward anyway?
    Sounds like a cute book!

    1. Catherine avatar

      Cockroach cola is our favourite 🙂

  3. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs avatar

    Oh, this looks super fun! I love the recipes and the letters. 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s a really fun story and the recipes are brilliant 🙂

  4. Kim Carberry avatar

    What a fun story and I am glad the beast decided not to east dinner. hehehe

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s really fun and I love the way that Dinner wins Beast over 🙂