I can’t believe that we’re celebrating 12 years of Story Snug!
It’s been an amazing twelve years, we’ve read so many books and genres that we may not have read. A huge THANK YOU to all the publishers and PR representatives who have sent us fantastic books to read and recommend. We are truly grateful to you and only wish we had the time to write about every single book that we love.
Lots more thank yous to come but as always the biggest THANK YOU goes to my husband who does all the blog design and deals with the technical side while my daughter and I have fun reading ๐
Special THANK YOUs to the authors and illustrators who have written guest posts for Story Snug this year. Thank you for answering our interview questions and for giving us a fantastic insight into your work and creative processes.
THANK YOU to the blogging community for supporting Story Snug over the years and especially to our favourite book bloggers who are listed on the blogroll.
A huge THANK YOU to all of you who leave lovely comments on the blogposts. They are very much appreciated. Thank you all for visiting!
And a big THANK YOU to my followers on Twitter, Facebook, Bluesky, Instagram and Pinterest and to everybody who shares our blogposts on social media.
I always enjoy looking back over the previous year and remembering the books we read and the blog tours we joined. I hope you enjoy celebrating 12 years of Story Snug with us!
Guest authors And BLOG TOURS
Itโs always really interesting to interview authors and illustrators about their books. THANK YOU Sheryl Webster and Donna Lambo-Weidner for giving us so much insight into the creation of your books ๐
Thank you to Elizabeth Hill and Hannah George for inviting us to join your Cotton Cloud Refuses to Rain blog tour.

Picture books
We still love reading picture books, every year it’s so hard to choose our favourites. Stories that we particularly enjoyed reading over the last year include The Green-Fingered Witch, Alpacas make TERRIBLE Librarians, The Reindeer Remainders, Little Mole Gives Thanks, A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast, The Hare-Shaped Hole, A Penguin Like Me, Remembering Sundays With Grandpa, Sunny Side Up and The Dress in the Window.

We reviewed several seasonal books last year including Monsters at Christmas, Peace On Earth, Kid Christmas of the Claus Brothers Toy Shop, Lullaby For The King, and Santa’s Marvellous Mechanical Workshop.

Chapter books
Time pressures mean that we don’t often blog about middle grade and chapter books but this year we enjoyed two of the Mouse and Mole books, two of the hilarious Milly McCarthy stories and the thought provoking The Wrong Shoes which highlights the impact that poverty and unemployment can have on a child.

Non Fiction
We didn’t read as much non fiction this year but the books we read were varied. We learnt about the water cycle in It Starts With a Raindrop, were introduced to famous people who had / have mental health issues in A Mind Like Mine and took a fascinating look at the inventions and origins of everyday objects in Made For Us.

Two books that moved us in different ways were Brian Bilston’s poignant poem about Refugees (illustrated by Josรฉ Sanabria) and Matt Godfellow’s heartbreaking, hopeful verse novel, The Final Year (illustrated by Joe Todd-Stanston).

The most viewed blogposts on Story Snug over the last year haven’t really changed, the top five includes Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Learning with Elmer, How to Catch a Star, From Head to Toe and one of our favourite ever picture books, Pumpkin Soup.

You can see most of Story Snugโs posts on our Pinterest Board. It was started later than Story Snug so there are a few missing!
So THANK YOU AGAIN for all your support. We look forward to seeing what our thirteenth year of blogging will bring!
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