Sidney the Lonely Cloud just wants to make people smile. But most people don’t want him around. This heartwarming story takes Sidney on a journey to find somewhere that he belongs, somewhere that he will be appreciated.
The Story: Sidney’s presence makes people unhappy, nobody wants him to spoil their fun. As Sidney tries to find people who will appreciate him they put their umbrellas up and run away. Sidney’s search leads him to drift over the ocean where he becomes even bigger! Eventually his journey takes him to a hot land where people and animals appreciate the huge shadow that he makes. And Sidney is so happy that he starts to cry…
It’s true that rainclouds can spoil our picnics, holidays and days out but they are also important and extremely welcome, especially to those who live in areas of the world where every drop of water is precious. Sidney’s journey takes him to a hot, dry country where people and animals are suffering and much to his delight his presence is met with smiles and excitement 🙂
We love Tim Hopgood’s bold, colourful illustrations which complement the simple text. The animals have wonderful expressions on their faces and we love the joy and happiness conveyed in the rainbow illustration at the end of the story.

Sidney the Lonely Cloud can be used to stimulate classroom discussions about weather and the role that clouds and rain play in our water cycle. It could also be used in a discussion about climate and weather patterns in different parts of the world.
Age Range: 2 +
Author / Illustrator: Tim Hopgood
Thank you Flyaway Books and Netgalley for the review copy of Sidney the Lonely Cloud.
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