A Crocodile Should Never Skip Breakfast - Story Snug

A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast by Colleen Larmour

A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast is an amusing story that reminds us that breakfast is an important meal of the day. But it’s EXTREMELY important when you’re a crocodile whose job involves interacting with members of the public!

The Story: Croc is very late for his job as the river ferry and there’s no time for breakfast. No worries – he can get a doughnut from the Hippo Hut. But the Hippo Hut has sold out and Croc’s emergency snack is past its best. There’s nothing to eat at work and passengers are waiting. It’s a busy morning and as Croc gets hungrier and hungrier he starts to dream. Are his passengers in danger? Can he make it through to lunchtime?

A wide variety of animals are introduced in the story including Hippo and Croc’s boss, the stork. We love the elderly armadillo, the rooster with his briefcase and the cheeky monkeys. As Croc gets hungrier and hungrier he starts to imagine them as snacks and donuts but stork won’t let him have an early lunch. Luckily Hippo comes to the rescue but in an amusing twist we’re left wondering what will happen the next morning.

The text is easy to read and uses a mix of narrative and speech bubbles to move the story along. We love the humour in the bold, colourful illustrations – the signs on Hippo’s Hut, the snake’s body shape after his snack and Croc’s ‘Snappy Snacks’ cereal. Croc’s frustrations are brilliantly conveyed through his expressions and in his speech, we really empathise with his anguish as the story unfolds!

A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast is a great story to initiate discussion about the importance of breakfast and what constitutes a healthy breakfast. Children could draw or write about a breakfast that they think would be suitable for themselves or for a crocodile – maybe donuts aren’t the healthiest choice!

Age Range: 2 +

Author / Illustrator: Colleen Larmour

Thank you to Netgalley and Kids Can Press for the review copy of this amusing story with it’s important message.

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8 responses to “A Crocodile Should NEVER Skip Breakfast by Colleen Larmour”

  1. Lisa Isaacs avatar

    Sounds like another delightful book! I’m with croc, I’m definitely someone who should not skip breakfast 😉

    1. Catherine avatar

      I’m with croc too. I get hangry quickly if I go without breakfast!

  2. stickymudandbellylaughs avatar

    Croc sounds like quite the character! What a fun story and I love the colourful illustrations. 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      Croc’s a brilliant character. I wouldn’t want to travel with a hungry character!!

  3. Donna avatar

    I’m already chuckling 😁

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s a very amusing story 🙂

  4. Joanne avatar

    That sounds like such a cute story!

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s a really clever idea for showing children how important breakfast is!