Happy Birthday Story Snug!
I can’t believe that Story Snug is eleven years old! The time has flown by!
Just before Christmas last year we lost Story Snug and I want to say the biggest THANK YOU to my husband, who completely rebuilt it. Sadly that meant we also lost all our followers and many of the comments. There’s still work to do and we appreciate all the support that bloggers, authors and illustrators have given us to help start rebuilding our follower list.
THANK YOU to the blogging community for supporting Story Snug over the years and especially to our favourite book bloggers who are listed on the blogroll.
THANK YOU to all the publishers and PR representatives who send us fantastic books to read and recommend. We are truly grateful to you and only wish we had the time to write about every single one of those that we love.
Special THANK YOUs to the authors and illustrators who have written guest posts for Story Snug. Thank you for answering our interview questions and for giving us a fantastic insight into your work and creative processes.
A huge THANK YOU to all of you who leave such lovely comments on the blogposts. They are very much appreciated. Thank you for visiting!
And a big THANK YOU to my followers on Twitter, Facebook, Bluesky, Instagram, Mastodon and Pinterest and to everybody who shares our blogposts on social media.
I always enjoy looking back over the previous year and remembering the books we read and the blog tours we joined. I hope you enjoy our look back over our eleventh year too!
Guest authors / illustrators
It’s always really interesting to interview authors and illustrators about their books. THANK YOU Polly Owen, Barry Timms, Emma Pearl and Roxanne Troup for giving us so much insight into the creation of your books 🙂

Blog tours
We really appreciate invitations to take part in blog tours. THANK YOU to Faber Books and Emma Pearl for inviting us to celebrate the publication of your books this year 🙂

Picture books
We still love reading picture books, every year it’s so hard to choose our favourites. Stories that we particularly enjoyed reading over the last year include The Hot Cross Bunny, Rory’s Room of Rectangles, My Brother is an Avocado, Through the North Pole Snow, Monsters in Trucks, Mabel’s Topsy-Turvy Homes, Superheroes Always Fight Back…Or Do They?, Dadaji’s Paintbrush, How To Hatch a Reader and The Big Christmas Bake.

Chapter books
Time pressures mean that we don’t often blog about middle grade and chapter books but this year we really enjoyed Cress Watercress, Michael The Amazing Mind-Reading Sausage Dog and Clara Claus Saves Christmas.

Non Fiction
Our non fiction reading was varied this year. We learnt about Ramadan traditions in Moon’s Ramadan, were given a fascinating insight into the wildlife on our doorstep in What’s Wild Outside Your Door? and met fifty inspirational sportswomen in Run like a Girl: 50 Extraordinary and Inspiring Sportswomen.

It’s fabulous to see more LGBTQ representation in books for younger readers and The Woodcutter and the Snow Prince, Rebel Girls Celebrate Pride, My Momma Zo and The Dog Squad all introduce LGBTQ characters in an age appropriate way.

The five most viewed blogposts on Story Snug over the last year include old favourites. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Learning with Elmer, How to Catch a Star, From Head to Toe and a more recent publication, Tom Percival’s The River.

You can see most of Story Snug’s posts on our Pinterest Board. It was started later than Story Snug so there are a few missing!
So THANK YOU AGAIN for all your support. We look forward to seeing what our twelfth year of blogging will bring!
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