If you go down to the woods today it’s Teddy Bears’ Picnic Day!
Sadly my favourite version of The Teddy Bears’ Picnic is out of print. It was given to me when I was doing my teaching degree and I have never found a copy that I like quite as much! If you have a favourite edition of ‘The Teddy Bears’ Picnic’ please leave a link in the comments 🙂

We have lots of bears on our bookshelf that we can picnic with. So watch out if you go down to the woods today…

You may want to take a copy of the best Bear Tracker with you. It could be very helpful in showing you where to find any bears…
Author: John Condon / Illustrator: Julia Christians
Maybe you can cycle through the woods to find your perfect picnic spot? If you need lessons Frank and Bert’s experience in Frank and Bert: The One Where Bert Learns to Ride a Bike could be very helpful.
Author / Illustrator: Chris Naylor-Ballesteros


If you’re injured on your picnic hopefully you’ll find a kind stranger to help you. Don’t let first impressions stop you asking for help like Fox’s experience in Anyone But Bear.
Author: Suzy Senior / Illustrator: Dubravka Kolanovic
Whether you’re a bear or not it’s always good to learn how to prepare the Perfect Picnic!
Author: Ciara Flood


And after you’ve finished eating maybe you could take a leaf out of The Bear and her Book and curl up for a good read.
Author: Frances Tosdevin / Illustrator: Sophia O’Connor
We recommend you read A Bear Named Bjorn‘s adventures. It’s amazing what some bears get up to in the woods!
Author / Illustrator: Delphine Perret


There’ll be lots of very tired teddy bears and their parents tonight. I hope that they’ll all find Peace at Last!
Author / Illustrator: Jill Murphy
If you’re going down to the woods today do enjoy your picnic! Just like Jane Hissey‘s Old Bear and his friends 🙂
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