During World Book Day week many children will be celebrating books, stories and reading by dressing up as their favourite characters and holding book related events in school. Many authors and illustrators visit schools or do Skype visits – the week is a real celebration of books. You can find out more about World Book Day on the website and there are also digital events taking place.
Books and reading play a huge role in our house, we have read to our daughter since she was a baby and she’s now a huge bookworm. We have always read regularly in front of her to role model our love of reading (one of my favourite parental activities!) which has had a very positive influence. However, many children don’t have parents who read regularly to them or in front of them so World Book Day aims to enthuse new readers as well as celebrate those who already enjoy reading.
Many stories include characters that are great role models for reading and loving stories and wordplay. We’ve made a list of our favourite books about books, stories and reading. Do you have any favourite books to add?
The Bear and her Book by Frances Tosdevin & Sophia O’Connor

The Bear and her Book celebrates the brilliance of books – it’s the perfect picture book for bear lovers and book lovers! The Bear takes her ‘Bear’s Big Book of Being Wise’ on a long journey and as well as helping her to solve problems it helps her to make new friends along the way.
Story Soup by Abie Longstaff and Nila Aye
Story Soup is a fun, fast paced story in which imagination and sibling rivalry lead to an action packed, madcap adventure with a diverse range of characters. Ollie isn’t happy when sister Susie joins him to make Story Soup but when their characters get into danger they must find a way to work together to help them.

The Magic Crayon by Amy Sparkes and Ali Pye

When Chloe’s silver crayon starts sparkling she draws a picture and is unexpectedly thrown into a magical adventure in a fairytale wood with fairytale characters. She must rescue her brother, Jack, but she also needs to keep her wits about her so that she can bring him home safely…
This is NOT a Book by Kellie Byrnes and Aśka
This is NOT a Book is a fabulous, fun example of metafiction, it takes us into the story to discover what elements make up a really good and compelling story. The main character repeatedly tries to convince us that she’s real and not a fictional character. But will she convince herself by the end of the story?

THE art of WORDS by Robert Vescio and Joanna Bartel

THE art of WORDS is a celebration of the power of words, letters and punctuation. It highlights how they can be rearranged to convey different emotions and meanings and tell stories. Words can be found everywhere and this book exudes joy and excitement as a boy and a girl play with them.
The Book Cat by Polly Faber and Clara Vulliamy
The Book Cat takes us back in time to London in World War Two. This wonderfully heartwarming story is inspired by a cat who made his home in the offices of publisher Faber and Faber.

Will you or your children be dressing up as fictional characters for World Book Day?
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