Home Is Where The Heart Is tells the story of Bear, Hare and the development of their relationship as they discover what they need to create a happy home. It’s a heartwarming story which charts the ups and downs of their friendship through a simple text and stunning illustrations.
The Story: Bear’s brand new house feels empty so he visits his neighbour, Hare. Despite their differences a new friendship is born and Hare and Bear spend lots of time together. When Bear’s house blows down in a storm he moves in with Hare. Living together isn’t easy but after a big row Bear and Hare realise exactly what makes a home happy.
Bear and Hare are likeable characters that children will immediately relate to and we love the way that their friendship is portrayed. Despite age and personality differences a close relationship blossoms as they play together, go exploring, eat together and care for each other when they’re sick. But there are also disagreements as they learn to accept and tolerate each other’s differences. And when spring comes there’s a new arrival in the wood…
We’re big fans of Jonny Lambert’s beautiful illustrations which use muted earthy colours. Bear is an adorably big but gentle bear and we love the contrast between him and the way that energetic Hare is portrayed.

We also love the picture that Bear has in his house – we recognised it from Look Out! It’s a Dragon!
Home Is Where The Heart Is is a beautiful story to stimulate discussion about friendship, caring and making a house a home. It’s the perfect story to snuggle up with at bedtime.
Age Range: 3 +
Author / Illustrator: Jonny Lambert
Thank you Little Tiger for sending a review copy of this gorgeous picture book.
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