A Little Bit Worried is a heartwarming picture book which can help children to talk about and find ways to deal with worries that they may have. Weasel is a character who has a lot of worries in comparison to his friend Mole who is upbeat and positive. Their story highlights how friends can listen and support each other when they have worries and concerns.
The Story: After getting caught in a violent storm Weasel decides to build somewhere that makes him feel safe. But one day he discovers Mole sitting on his couch. Mole doesn’t understand the significance of Weasel’s safe house until Weasel confides his weather worries. But Mole has completely different attitudes to the types of weather that scare Weasel. Can Mole manage to convince Weasel that wild weather can be fun? And what does Mole do when he gets scared?
Weasel and Mole are polar opposites in personality but make a fabulous double act. Mole is a very positive character who adds humour to the story, when Weasel tells him that he has built a place to keep him safe Mole wants to know exactly who is scaring his friend – he pulls a hilarious ‘scary’ face! But Mole is also a great listener and takes Weasel’s worries seriously before telling him how much fun snowballs, puddles and being tickled by the wind can be.
A Little Bit Worried is a celebration of both wild weather and friendship. The story centres around Weasel’s worries which Mole listens to and deals with in a caring and sympathetic way. We love this illustration of Mole putting a comforting paw on Weasel’s shoulder as he listens to his friend.

The simple text is easy to read and uses a fun font. We’re huge fans of Tim Warnes’ animal illustrations and particularly love the way that he captures Weasel and Mole’s emotions and shows the closeness of their relationship.
Once Mole has convinced Weasel that he doesn’t need to fear extreme weather and can find ways to enjoy it, Weasel asks Mole a very important question, “What do you do when you feel afraid to face something?”. Mole’s answer is adorable and this is the illustration that accompanies it

A Little Bit Worried would be a great book to use in a Key Stage One classroom to stimulate discussions about worries that children may have and how they can help their worried friends like Mole does. The story portrays friendship and caring in a heartwarming way and shows children the value of confiding in a good friend when you are worried.
Age Range: 3 +
Author: Ciara Gavin / Illustrator: Tim Warnes
Thank you to Little Tiger Press for sending a review copy of this wonderful story.
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