December 16th: The Queen’s Present
Did you recognise the Queen yesterday? She’s looking for the perfect present in The Queen’s Present by Steve Anthony.
The Story: The Queen asks Father Christmas to help her to find the perfect present for the little prince and princess. Magically they fly around the world and over various landmarks including The Eiffel Tower, The Great Wall of China and a very festive looking Statue of Liberty. They don’t even find anything suitable for the children in The North Pole but when they get back to Sandringham the Queen realises that she has had the perfect present for them all along…
We love the way that this festive flight around the world introduces us to so many famous landmarks. Reds and greens on a white background provide the perfect colour palette for Christmas and the present that the Queen eventually chooses gives a real ‘AWWWW’ moment.

Today we have two elf sweethearts gazing lovingly into each others’ eyes…
The title of this book is a very famous song. Do you know which song?

Story Snug’s 2019 Advent Calendar on Pinterest
Story Snug Advent December 16th: The Queen’s Present
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