Survival by Annan Claybourne and Louise McNaught - Story Snug

Survival by Anna Claybourne and Louise McNaught

Survival, published in association with conservation charity Tusk, takes a fascinating and informative look at twenty animal species that are facing the challenge of survival. It’s an eye opening look at the dangers that they face and how extremely low the numbers of some species are.

Human activity has endangered animals from every continent and every habitat, it’s the number one cause of the decline in the majority of species. Our lifestyles and consumption of natural resources have contributed to this decline and several of the species included in this book are almost extinct or have come very close but are now slowly increasing in number.

The book starts with a forward from Tusk which explains their work and how they protect animals from extinction. There’s also a page about illustrator Louise McNaught and how she creates her pictures. A double page spread then shows a timeline of conservation and explains how different continents are working to ensure the preservation of endangered species.

Survival double spread - Story Snug

Animals, birds and insects from a variety of habitats, savannah, rainforests, oceans, are all included in this book. Each double spread includes a full page drawing of the creature and a map showing where that creature lives. Facts about each animal include information about their size, their habitat, how many there are in the world and their status – statuses range from critically endangered to vulnerable. More facts are given about each creature including the history and the reasons that they are in danger as well as the steps that are being taken to ensure their survival.

Survival is a fantastic coffee table book to dip in and out of and it’s really interesting to read about the threats faced by a range of individual species including bees, butterflies, Giant Pandas, Secretary Birds, Hawksbill Turtles and Black Rhinos. The Bornean Orangutang’s habitat is being destroyed due to human’s high consumption of palm oil, the Scalloped Hammerhead is endangered due to overfishing and urban development has led to the Sapphire-Bellied Hummingbird being critically endangered.

Ideas as to how we can help endangered animals are given at the end of the book, it’s heartening to see that the population numbers of some species are rising again but ultimately it is our behaviour and lifestyles that are causing the problem. If we don’t act now, many of these species will become extinct.

Age Range: 8+

Author: Anna Claybourne / Illustrator: Louise McNaught

Thank you to Big Picture Press for sending us a copy of this fascinating and thought provoking book.

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16 responses to “Survival by Anna Claybourne and Louise McNaught”

  1. Louise Fairweather avatar

    My boys would like this type of book #triedtested

    1. Catherine avatar

      I think it’s an important t book for everybody to read, it certainly made me think about the impact of our actions on the environment and the animals within it.

  2. Colette avatar

    What an important book – such vital lessons for our children to learn

    1. Catherine avatar

      I think that adult will also benefit from reading this book, the one thing that really hit home to me is how our consumerism is having such a big, and detrimental, effect on our wildlife.

  3. Acorn Books avatar

    This looks like a great book, I like that it includes ideas of things we can change to try and help #Readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      It really made us aware of how our actions are contributing to the decreasing numbers of some species.

  4. Cheryl | TimeToCraft avatar

    I like the look of this book. Not just hitting us with the bad news but telling us how we can change and turn it around. I’ll look out for this one. #MMBC

    1. Catherine avatar

      Exactly! It really makes us aware of how our actions affect the animals on our planet.

  5. Sarah MumofThree World avatar

    This sounds like a really interesting and eye-opening read, not just for kids, but for all of us. It’s easy to forget that we are all part of the problem with consumption of things like palm oil.

    1. Catherine avatar

      That really hit home for me, how much our lifestyles are to blame for the situation that our endangered species are in.

  6. Yet Another Blogging Mummy avatar

    Sounds a great book. I was really upset about the news on the white rhinos earlier this year #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      The story of the white rhinos is really sad but they’re not mentioned in this book.

  7. BookBairn avatar

    This is exactly the sort of book I know I would have loved as a kid! #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      I’m sure you would love it now, I’ve learnt lots from this book too.

  8. Chantelle Hazelden avatar
    Chantelle Hazelden

    This actually looks like a good book for schools to use!! Thanks for sharing with #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      It would make a fabulous addition to a school library, there are so many fascinating facts in this book.