We’re creeping closer and closer to Halloween so light the candles, turn out the lights and curl up for a spooky storytelling session with some of our favourite skeleton and monster picture books…
We don’t have many skeletons on our bookcase and the skeletons in the stories that we found aren’t at all scary, they inspired us to make our own glow in the dark skeleton puppets. We’re huge fans of Funnybones and at this time of the year it is one of Story Snug’s most popular posts.
Funnybones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg: One night two skeletons decide to take their skeleton dog for a walk and frighten somebody. They head to the zoo to visit their skeleton friends. But can they find anybody to frighten?

Ten Spooky Skeletons by Patricia Hegarty, Annette Rusling & Garry Parsons: Ten Spooky Skeletons is a fun Halloween counting book for little people which, despite the word spooky in the title, is not spooky or scary at all!

We really don’t have any scary monsters on our bookshelves. Some of them look scary, some of them want to be scary but most of them are entertainingly cute and mischievous!
The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas: The Colour Monster introduces children to the relationship between colour and emotions as a little girl helps a mixed up little monster understand how each colour makes him feel. We love the colour that The Colour Monster turns at the end of the book…

Nibbles The Book Monster by Emma Yarlett: Nibbles the Book Monster grins cheekily as he nibbles his way through three familiar fairy stories causing chaos. You can’t turn your back on him for a minute, even when he’s in his lift-the-flap cage!

Nibbles The Dinosaur Guide by Emma Yarlett: Nibbles takes huge risks when he chomps his way through the different chapters in a dinosaur book. His fast paced adventure gets more thrilling and dangerous as he meets carnivores. He’s a very entertaining monster and the action in this amusing story keeps us turning the pages until the very end…

Rufus by Simon Bartram: We fell in love with Rufus as soon as we read his story. Rufus wants to be a scary monster but he lives alone in the desert. What he needs to find is a Peopley Person to scare! Finally he discovers a super spooky party and is befriended by a small ghost who gives him a huge surprise…

Hyde and Squeak by Fiona Ross: Squeak wins a wobbly jelly which has ‘a whiff of something beastly’. When he tastes the jelly he turns into a monster mouse who eats everything in sight. When the effect wears off, Squeak becomes a mouse again. Until the next jelly is delivered…

Tamara Small and the Monsters’ Ball by Giles Paley-Philips and Gabriele Antonini: Vampires, monsters, witches and slime cake are all on the menu when Tamara Small is whisked out of bed for a night out at The Monsters’ Ball!

The Monster Machine by Nicola Robinson: Dad invents a monster machine but then the monsters that he builds get bored of watching television and try to build their own machine…

Yuck! That’s not a Monster! by Angela McAllister & Alison Edgson: A pink fluffy monster – how dreadful! Little Shock isn’t your usual scary monster but being cute and pink can have its benefits, especially when you meet a big, scary monster in the woods!


Ghost Story Box: Create Your Own Spooky Tales by Ella Bailey: Ghost Story Box is a wonderful storytelling resource for this time of year! The large jigsaw pieces can be arranged and rearranged to tell a multitude of stories and we love the way that every story is different. You can get wildly creative with the 20 pieces and create a spooky or not so spooky story which can lead to one of six different endings.
Do you have any favourite skeleton and monster picture books to add to our list?
Monster, Witches and Halloween books, arts, crafts and learning activities on Pinterest
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