Winnie and Wilbur MEET SANTA - Story Snug

Dec 16th: Otter chooses Winnie and Wilbur MEET SANTA

Author: Valerie Thomas / Illustrator: Korky Paul

The Story: In this book Winnie the Witch and her cat Wilbur find Santa stuck in their chimney (why does this never happen to me!?).

Santa is late delivering his Christmas presents so everyone has to lend a hand.

Why is Winnie and Wilbur MEET SANTA your favourite Christmas book?

Well, firstly Valerie Thomas is great at telling stories. Secondly, Korky Paul is really good at drawing and colouring in! I think they must both be professionals. There are so many details in this book and you have to read it at least one thousand times before you see them all. Another reason I like this book is obvious: Winnie and Wilbur actually manage to meet Santa! If you know me, you’ll recall I’ve found Santa incredibly hard to tie down. This year will be attempt number four. Wish me luck, and Santa if you’re reading this, can you please stop messing us around?

Can you describe a favourite illustration or give a favourite quote from the story and tell us why you chose it.

My favourite illustration in this book is a double page spread that shows Winnie’s house decorated for Christmas! There are so many lights and everything looks magically Christmassy. Actually, a lot of the pages in this book are like that, which is why I love it so much!

About Otter

Otter - Story Snug

I’m Otter, but Otter Keeper (who looks after me) helped me write this because writing yourself is not as easy as it looks. My best friend is Teddy and my second best friend is Giraffe. I actually have several books published all about me. Sadly I don’t have a Christmas one, but I’m working on that. My favourite colour is blue, but sometimes it’s red, and apparently that is normal (I checked with Otter Keeper). I also run a toast restaurant in my spare time.

Otter’s Website / Twitter / Facebook

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Which book is on your Christmas wishlist this year?

We are getting all of the books by Harriet Muncaster. There are lots but they are all very wonderful. We love anything she does, she’s very clever ?

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7 responses to “Dec 16th: Otter chooses Winnie and Wilbur MEET SANTA”

  1. Yet Another Blogging Mummy avatar

    We used to have loads of Winnie and Wilbur books but I haven’t come across this one before #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      This one was published last year. We haven’t read it yet either.

      1. Yet Another Blogging Mummy avatar

        That will be why, as it must be at least 3 years since we last bought one

  2. Sarah MumofThree World avatar

    Very good choice! We haven’t read this one, but the kids had a few Winnie books when they were little and they were all very entertaining.

    1. Catherine avatar

      I love Winnie the Witch but the very first one is still my favourite 🙂

  3. chantelle hazelden avatar
    chantelle hazelden

    Oh I love Winnie and Wilbur, fantastic characters and you can’t beat a festive story! Thanks for sharing with #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      I really wanted to read this when it was published last year but still haven’t! I absolutely love Winnie the Witch 🙂