Before I start a new year of blogging I thought I’d take a quick look back at Story Snug’s 10 most viewed posts in 2017.
Only one is a book that I wrote about this year although it’s an old story that I enjoyed reading when I first started teaching, it’s a book by the Ahlbergs who have two books on our list. Three are our learning activities posts where we have linked arts, crafts, science and other activities to favourite picture books, these were activities that my daughter and I enjoyed before she started school. Interestingly most of the most viewed books are classic stories that I read and enjoyed as a child or those that I read to Reception / Year One classes when I first started teaching. It seems that many old favourites are now being read and enjoyed by newer generations.
So here you go – 2017’s top ten most viewed blogposts in reverse order!
Number 10
Burglar Bill by Janet and Allan Ahlberg: Burglar Bill celebrated his fortieth birthday this year! We love Bill and Betty’s repetitive refrain – ‘That’s a nice… – I’ll have that!’

Number 9
How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers: It was interesting reading this story with my daughter and her friend when they were younger. Both had very different interpretations of the ending!

Number 8
Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre: This amusing, action packed, first chapter book includes Rambling Isles, shipwrecks, sarcastic seaweed and nasty villians. Published in 2013 this is the newest book on our list.

Number 7
Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen: This is one of my favourite books to read in the classroom when teaching children to write birthday invitations! This amusing story shows children the importance of including specific information on an invitation!

Number 6
The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb: I loved making paper dolls as a child and this book inspired us to get out paper and scissors and make them with my daughter.

Number 5
Learning with Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler: The witch’s ‘truly magnificent broom’ has inspired a lot of dressing up and imaginative play in our house. We have flown all over the world on our broom and the story has also inspired us to create potions and learn how to plait.

Number 4
On the Way Home by Jill Murphy: This is a fun story which shows the power of a child’s imagination. As Claire walks home she gives her friends more and more outlandish explanations for her injured knee.

Number 3
Learning with Eric Carle and The Hungry Caterpillar: I have used many of Eric Carle’s books to stimulate learning in many areas of the curriculum. The Very Hungry Caterpillar has inspired many crafts and learning activities both with my daughter and in the classroom.

Number 2
Funnybones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg: Funnybones has a very atmospheric, repetitive text and the humour in the illustrations makes us laugh, especially when the skeletons put their dog ‘back together’!

Learning with Elmer by David McKee: The first Elmer book is still our favourite and we had lots of fun with these crafts and activities that were inspired by the story. A particular favourite activity was baking and decorating Elmer biscuits.

Thank you to all of you who read and comment on our blogposts and enter our giveaways. I look forward to sharing favourites old and new with you next year.
Wishing you and your families a very happy and healthy 2018!
Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2018!
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