Author / Illustrator: Nicholas Allan
The Story: In this fun-filled, Christmas counting book, Father Christmas eats and drinks the tasty treats that have been left out for him at each house he visits.
It doesn’t take long before he desperately needs a wee. He needs to wee so badly that he forgets to deliver some of the presents. So he rushes back to the houses to deliver them, all the while trying to avoid having an accident.
When he finally arrives home, he realizes he’s lost his key and doesn’t know what to do. And as I don’t like spoilers, I’ll let you read the book to find out what happens next.
Why is Father Christmas Needs a Wee your favourite Christmas book?
Because it’s humorous and it rhymes. I love rhyming picture books! Also, I’ve often contemplated myself, what Father Christmas does when he needs a wee. After all, this is a man who drinks milk and eats cookies at practically every house he visits on Christmas Eve. He must need to make more than one wee before the night is over! Does he creep into our bathrooms? Does he hide behind a bush in the garden? Does he have a portable potty in his sleigh? This book has him dashing home, but I still think he must have another way of relieving himself before returning home, and this inquiring mind would like to know how he does it.
Can you describe a favourite illustration or give a favourite quote from the story and tell us why you chose it.
The cover illustration is my favorite because Father Christmas’ body language says it all. The reader wouldn’t need the title to know what this book is about. He or she would know straight away from that very first illustration.
About Rebecca

Before writing for children, Rebecca inspected pantyhose, taught English in Taiwan, worked for a Russian comedian and travelled the world as a tour director. Born in America, she now lives in North Yorkshire in England.
Rebecca writes picture books and poetry, and is represented by Kathleen Rushall of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Her books include: Captain Bling’s Christmas Plunder (Albert Whitman, 2017), Motor Goose (Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan US, 2017), It’s Raining Bats and Frogs (Feiwel & Friends/Macmillan US, 2015), and There Was a Wee Lassie Who Swallowed a Midgie (Floris, 2014).
Rebecca’s Books
Rebecca’s newest picture book ‘Captain Bling’s Christmas Plunder’ has just been published;
Captain Bling and his merry crew set off to find treasure, but they get blown off course and end up at the North Pole. When they spy the elves carefully wrapping presents, the pirates think they have found the ultimate booty! They quickly steal the presents and make their way back to the ship. By the time Santa Claus catches up to them, the pirates are well on their way to escaping. But Santa has a surprise for Captain Bling and his crew!
Which book is on your Christmas wishlist this year?
There are always lots and lots and LOTS of books on my wishlist. That goes with the territory of being an author—that I’m also an avid reader.
As I’ve lost 50 pounds in the last six months, I’d really like to receive the following Japanese bestseller: Even the Stiffest People Can do the Splits: Get the limber body you’ve always wanted, prevent injury and improve circulation in just four weeks by Eiko.
I may never be able to do the splits, but I’d at least like to stay fit and flexible for years to come. Now let’s just hope one of my family members reads this post. ?
2017 Story Snug Advent on Pinterest

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