The Story: Sadie is a little girl whose parents come from two different cultural backgrounds. During the holiday season they celebrate both with a joint Christmas and Hanukkah celebration. The house is decorated with angels and Jewish stars, they eat latkes and turkey and their whole extended family come together to share the stories of the Maccabees and the birth of Jesus.
Why is Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama your favourite Christmas book?
Daddy Christmas & Hanukkah Mama is our favourite Christmas book as it mirrors our own family so well. We celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah in our house and it is wonderful to see this represented in a picture book. We tend to have our Christmas and Hanukkah things separate with a room decorated for each, but I love the way that the two holidays are mixed in this book. Candy canes hang from the menorah, latkes are left out for Santa and of course there are presents for all 8 nights of Hanukkah as well as on Christmas Day.
Can you describe a favourite illustration or give a favourite quote from the story and tell us why you chose it.
The illustrations are a beautiful mix of paint and collage and my favourite one is where the two sides of the family are sharing their culture’s respective stories. Speech bubbles flow out of the relatives’ mouths but instead of words they are illustrations of the stories that merge into each other. It’s a beautiful representation of how this family manage a mixed faith holiday and is accompanied by this gorgeous line:
“Wide-eyed, we listen to these traditional takes which link us together today.”
Author / Illustrator: Selina Alko
About Acorn Books
I am mum to two young boys and blog about the books we love to share via Acorn Books. We share picture books, chapter books, non fiction and of course, books that represent our Jewish heritage. Sometimes we share our book inspired craft and play activities too.
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Which book is on your Christmas wishlist this year?
There’s always so many books that I would like but I’m really hoping for Oliver Elephant by Lou Peacock and Helen Stephens and the illustrated book of the song Singing in the Rain by Tim Hopgood.
2017 Story Snug Advent Calendar on Pinterest

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