Fictional Friendships - Story Snug

International Friendship Day – fabulous fictional friendships

To celebrate International Friendship Day we’ve chosen picture books that show fabulous fictional friendships. Friendship is a central theme in many children’s books and lately we have read so many wonderful stories about characters who support each other through thick and thin. There are many more that we could have added to this list (we haven’t included any chapter books) and we would love to hear your suggestions too!

The Butterfly Dance by Suzanne Barton: The Butterfly Dance follows the relationship between two caterpillars, Dotty and Stripe. They have a wonderfully close relationship and despite their differences they manage to remain friends even once they have become butterflies.

The Butterfly Dance

The Perfect Picnic by Ciara Flood: Perfectionist Squirrel and laid-back Mole are best friends but their friendship is tested to the limit when they decide to go on a picnic together! This story takes a very amusing look at what happens when two very different personalities are close friends.

The Perfect Picnic by Ciara Flood - Story Snug

Lazy Cat by Julia Woolf: Lazy Cat makes us laugh! Doodle Dog does his best to be a good friend to him but it’s hard when your friend is so lazy that he has trouble making the effort to be a good friend in return.

Lazy Cat - Story Snug

Blown Away / Sunk! by Rob Biddulph: Penguin Blue and his friends are a close knit group who share amazing adventures, one involving a kite and one involving a sunken pirate ship. The power of friendship is what helps them overcome the difficulties that they encounter in the stories.

Thank Goodness For Bob by Matthew Morgan and Gabriel Alborozo: This picture book portrays a wonderful friendship between a small boy, Max, and his dog, Bob. Bob proves to be an extremely good friend when he helps Max find a way to deal with his worries.

Thank Goodness for Bob - Story Snug

Dangerous / Warning! This Book May Contain Rabbits by Tim Warnes: In Dangerous Mole reluctantly becomes friend with Crocodile despite that fact that Crocodile is eating all his labels. The friendship is further cemented in Warning! This Book May Contain Rabbits when the pair discover a white rabbit in the woods.

Happy Birthday Old Bear by Jane Hissey: Old Bear has lots of friends in the playroom and he’s enjoyed many adventures with them over the last 30 years. At his 30th birthday party he’s joined by a new friend, Elsie, who adds her own brand of mischief to the story!

Happy Birthday Old Bear - Story Snug

You can find more of our favourite fictional friendships in our previous International Friendship Day and Fictional Best Friends blogposts. Have you read any fantastic picture books about friendship that you would like to share in the comments?

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14 responses to “International Friendship Day – fabulous fictional friendships”

  1. Acorn Books avatar

    A great selection of friendship books, we like most of these! #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      There were so many more that we could have chosen!

  2. Kate avatar

    What a gorgeous selection on such an important theme especially with the growth of bullying.

    1. Catherine avatar

      It is an important theme, so sad that so many children are bullied these days.

  3. Sarah MumofThree World avatar

    What a lovely thing to focus on! The Jacqueline Wilson books have some great friendships, particularly The Butterfly Club and Bad Girls.

    1. Catherine avatar

      Thank you for the reminder about The Butterfly Club 🙂

  4. Shell Louise avatar

    If I came across a book called, Warning, This book may contain rabbits, I would HAVE to buy it! What a wonderful title 🙂

    1. Catherine avatar

      Warning! This Book May Contain Rabbits is a very funny story!

  5. chantelle hazelden avatar
    chantelle hazelden

    There’s some wonderful friendships displayed in these books 🙂 Thanks for sharing with #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      It was difficult to narrow our choices down!

  6. Carol avatar

    Think I need to read “Warning This Book May Contain Rabbits” – the title intrigues me. #MMBC

    1. Catherine avatar

      It’s a really eye catching title isn’t it?!

  7. BookBairn avatar

    Fabulous friendly books! #readwithme

    1. Catherine avatar

      I would love to know which books you would add to our list Kim 🙂