These brightly coloured Follow the Trail books provide fantastic and fun learning for the littlest people and it’s hard to resist running your fingers along the colourful, glittery trails.
The Follow the Trail books are sturdy hardbacks that introduce children to different creatures. On the first page of each book children are encouraged to chase the creatures by running their fingers along the glittery trails. There are different shaped trails to explore including zigzags and loops, shapes are also introduced. The following pages focus on a particular creature with an informative heading given in bold writing. Snippets of information are interspersed between bold close up photographs and the glittery trail and we love the way that the original trails from the first page are repeated throughout the book. Each page has a circular cut out which you can peek through to see which creature will be featured on the following page. The final spread of each book shows all four creatures featured with a puzzle trail for children to follow.

Follow the Trail Baby Dinosaurs: Four baby dinosaurs are introduced in this book ( Diplodocus, Allosaurus, Tuojiangosaurus (which we had never heard of!) and Styracosaurus). We meet each dinosaur and a parent, learn about whether they were carnivorous or herbivorous, discover how big they were and are introduced to any special features. The final puzzle page asks a question about each dinosaur and the reader can follow the trail to find the right answer.
Follow the Trail Minibeasts: Four different insects are introduced in this book ( Butterfly, Honeybee, Ladybird and Dragonfly). There are wonderful, colourful, close up photographs of each creature and we learn about what they eat, physical characteristics and specific such as how bees make honey and the fact that dragonflies lay eggs. The final puzzle page focuses on habitats and where each insect likes to spend time, the reader can follow the trail to find the right answer.

These books would make a fantastic addition to a nursery or Early Years classroom and can be used to introduce new creatures to young children. With their sturdy covers they will withstand repeated reading by older babies and toddlers and the lovely glittery trails will help children develop their fine motor skills.
Author: Dawn Sirett / Illustrator: Charlotte Milner
Thank you to Dorling Kindersley for sending us copies of these beautiful books. There are four other Follow the Trail books in the series – Wild Animals, Baby Animals, Trucks and Farm.
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