The Woodland Hedgehugs Activity Book is a new favourite in our house. We’re very lucky to live close to a large wood and once the snow has disappeared we’ll be heading out with the book to discover more about trees and woodland inhabitants.
Horace and Hattie first appeared in the hedgehugs picture book series and now they’re back with a new activity book to help children discover the wonders of their local woods. The book is packed with activities, puzzles, challenges and information about trees, leaves, flowers, woodland animals, bugs and insects. On every page you can look out for Sid the Snail who joins Hattie and Horace on their woodland adventures.
The book begins with a double page spread full of tips that you need to know before you go into the woods and a list of things that you may need to take with you. Different types of trees are explained, we can’t wait to do the leaf colour hunt activity and we’ll definitely be doing some bark rubbing. There’s also information about the seeds and nuts that you can find on a particular tree and suggestions for tree related activities you can do while in the woods.
We love the way that The Woodland Hedgehugs Activity Book encourages children to use different senses, from observing the environment around them, including looking at animal tracks and different types of woodland flowers, to listening to the sounds that can be heard in the woods and using touch to discover the different textures that can be found. There are so many wonderful learning activities including a scavenger hunt, collecting a rainbow, a woodland quiz and a bug hunt.
There’s a woodland tasty treat to make, puzzles and various woodland inspired crafts including a loo roll creature that my daughter made. If you’re looking for woodland inspired activities this is definitely the book for you, it would make a great teacher resource too.

Age Range: 4 +
Author: Steve Wilson / Illustrator: Lucy Tapper
Thank you to Maverick for sending the Woodland Hedgehugs Activity Book which has inspired lots of creativity and learning in our house. When I opened the book to write this post I found this stuck inside!

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