Happy New Year to you all!
Before we start a new year of blogging curiosity led us to take a quick look back at the 2016 top ten most viewed blogposts. Only one is a blogpost that was written this year and several are our learning activities posts where we have linked arts, crafts, science and other activities to some of our favourite picture books. Most of the viewed books are classic stories that I read and enjoyed as a child or those that I read to Reception / Year One classes when I first started teaching. The Ahlbergs feature twice as does Julia Donaldson.
So here you go – the 2016 top ten most viewed blogposts!
Number 10
Story Box: Create Your Own Fairy Tales by Anne Laval: A fantastic resource to help children (and adults!) create and tell stories using different fairytale characters.

Number 9
The Complete Book of Farmyard Tales by Heather Amery and Stephen Cartwright: Our copy of this book is falling apart, we still read the stories and I have given this book to several toddlers as birthday gifts.

Number 8
The Jolly Christmas Postman by Janet and Allan Ahlberg: This is still one of our favourite Christmas stories and two years ago it even inspired us to make our own Jolly Christmas Postman board game.

Number 7
The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb: Making paper dolls was a big part of my childhood and this lovely story inspired me to introduce the activity to my daughter.

Number 6
Learning with Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler: This is my daughter’s favourite book by Julia Donaldson and is frequently acted out along with props!

Number 5
Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen: One of our favourite picture books about celebrating a birthday, the confusion over party dates makes us laugh.

Number 4
Funnybones by Janet and Allan Ahlberg: I have always enjoyed reading this fun story and we were delighted to find a second hand copy in a charity shop. Judging by the high number of views of this post around Halloween it appears that many of you are also sharing it with your children!

Number 3
Learning with Eric Carle And The Very Hungry Caterpillar: The Very Hungry Caterpillar was one of the first picture books that my daughter read independently. I have used it to stimulate so many learning activities.

Number 2
On the Way Home by Jill Murphy: I have used this book on so many occasions in the classroom, my daughter’s teacher has also borrowed it to use in her English classes.

Number 1
Learning with Elmer by David McKee: The original Elmer story is a huge favourite in our house and has inspired many fun activities both at home and in the classroom.

Thank you to all of you for reading and sharing Story Snug’s blogposts and leaving comments. We hope that you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2017.
We have a Pinterest board for all Story Snug’s blogposts. It’s updated with every new post that we publish.
Story Snug’s 2016 top ten blogposts
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