One Snowy Night - Story Snug

Story Snug Advent: O is for One Snowy Night

O is for One Snowy Night by M Christina Butler and Tina Macnaughton

A present from Father Christmas leads to adventures in the snow for Little Hedgehog and his friends in One Snowy Night. My daughter loves the adventures of Little Hedgehog and the woodland animals and in our edition a touch and feel element is given to Tina Macnaughton’s gorgeous illustrations.

The Story: Little Hedgehog is too cold to sleep. Suddenly a present from Father Christmas falls out of the sky, it’s a hat which doesn’t fit him. Little Hedgehog braves the snow to give the hat to Rabbit but then gets lost on his way home. Rabbit gives the hat to Badger who then gives it to Fox. When Fox finds Little Hedgehog frozen in the snow he carries him in the hat to Rabbit’s House. Little Hedgehog is so warm and cosy that he soon falls into a deep winter sleep.

Author: M. Christina Butler / Illustrator: Tina Macnaughton

More Christmas books beginning with O…

Olive, the Other Reindeer - Story Snug

Last year book blogger Sarah Yewman chose Olive, the Other Reindeer  by Vivian Walsh and J.Otto Seibold for Story Snug’s Advent Calendar.

Book Blogger Melanie McGilloway recommended Olivia Helps With Christmas by Ian Falconer.

Olivia Helps with Christmas - Story Snug
One Winter's Night - Story Snug

Author Amy Sparkes wrote about One Winter’s Night by Claire Freedman and Simon Mendez.

Author / Illustrator Tom Percival chose Once upon a northern night by Jean E. Pendziwol and Isabelle Arsenault.

Once Upon a Northern Night - Story Snug
Oliver Elephant - Story Snug

For Story Snug’s 2017 Advent Calendar Kim (aka Bookbairn) chose Oliver Elephant by Lou Peacock and Helen Stephens.

Janet Bingham chose One Little Angel by Ruth Brown.

One Little Angel - Story Snug
One Cosy Christmas - Story Snug

One Cosy Christmas by by M Christina Butler and Tina Macnaughton

Owl’s Winter Rescue by Anita Loughrey and Daniel Howarth is a lovely, woodland, winter adventure to read over the Christmas season.

Owl's Winter Rescue - Story Snug

Can you suggest any other Christmas book titles that begin with the letter O? Please leave your suggestions in the comments or tweet using the hashtag #StorySnugAdvent

Thank you to Sarah (Picture Books Blogger) for suggesting Otto The Book Bear in the Snow by Katie Cleminson.

Otto THE BOOK BEAR in the Snow - StorySnug

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2 responses to “Story Snug Advent: O is for One Snowy Night”

  1. Jayne @ Sticky Mud and Belly Laughs avatar

    What a fab story to cosy up to for bedtime. I love your book advent posts, it’s a lovely idea for the run up to Christmas x

    Thanks so much for linking up to #MMBC. Hope you can make it tomorrow x

    1. Catherine avatar

      One Snowy Night is a lovely bedtime story. Thank you for reading the book Advent posts 🙂