WHIZZ POP BANG! is ‘An Awesomely Amazing Science Magazine’. Designed to help children get excited by science it contains experiments, facts, puzzles, riddles and jokes all presented in a really fun way. But it’s not only great for children, as a parent and as a teacher, I found it interesting, informative and fun to read too!
Thank you to WHIZZ POP BANG! for sending us ‘The Dinosaur Issue’ of the magazine. This issue includes a special report on why dinosaurs became extinct as well as other articles about dinosaurs and an interview with dinosaur hunter, Dr. Steve Brusatte. It’s not all about dinosaurs though, there’s an article about the planet Mercury as well as information and explanations about fire, how levers work, a profile of Leonardo da Vinci and the latest science news.

Linked to the UK National Curriculum the WHIZZ POP BANG! magazine is printed on sturdy ethically sourced paper and contains 32 pages. A contents page at the beginning helps the reader to find what they are looking for and gives a one sentence description about each page. Information is given in bite size chunks and interspersed with clear, colour photographs and quirky illustrations (and there are no adverts!).
There are some great activities and challenges interspersed through the magazine. We had fun looking for the science equipment that was hidden on each page and my daughter enjoyed solving the riddles (she’s also been asking all her friends if they can solve them too!). There’s a letter page where children can ‘Ask Y’ (a robot) their science questions and also send in photos of their own science experiments. The top ten page of this issue has some really amazing animal facts and there’s a word search and a quiz to complete.
WHIZZ POP BANG! is only available on subscription but the magazine can also be delivered overseas. You can order a single copy of the magazine for £3.75 which is useful if you are a teacher covering a particular science topic. More information is available on the WHIZZ POP BANG! website.
We were not asked to recommend WHIZZ POP BANG! on Story Snug but we want to as it really is an interesting read and a very informative resource for budding scientists (young and old!). As a gender neutral magazine covering a wide range of topics it really does include something for everybody.
Age Range: 6 +
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