International Book Giving Day 2016 is on February 14th and Story Snug’s preparations are almost finished. Since the beginning of January we have been tweeting and blogging to spread the word about the day and we’re delighted with the number of people we have reached who had not heard of Book Giving Day before. If you head over to Twitter and follow #bookgivingday the feed is now buzzing with tweets about initiatives and events to get books into the hands of as many children as possible on February 14th. Several great giveaways have already started and there’s still time for you to get involved.
Our annual Book Giving Day giveaway will start at midnight on February 14th and will run for just 24 hours. The winner can choose any book that we have recommended since International Book Giving Day 2015.
We have two parcels of books to give away. The first is a parcel of books for our local library. They have very few English books so it’s lovely to be able to help them expand their English children’s section. The second parcel is going to our local church who will pass it on to an organisation working with refugees. This is a mix of English and German books as many refugees speak more English than German.

We have printed off International Book Giving Day bookmarks, added some hearts and posted them in the letterboxes of schoolfriends to spread the word about International Book Giving Day.

And we have bought our daughter two Rescue Princess books. This year we have reread most of Paula Harrison’s Rescue Princess stories, after buying these two we just have one more to add to our collection!

You can read more about how you can get involved in International Book Giving Day here. Or do you already have plans for International Book Giving Day this year? We’d love to hear them in the comments 🙂

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