Happy New Year to you all!
Before we start a new year of book recommendations we’re looking back at the ten most viewed blogposts of 2015. They aren’t all blogposts that were written last year and they include several of our learning activities posts where we have linked different arts, crafts, science and other learning activities to some of our favourite picture books. Many of the most viewed books are classic stories that I read and enjoyed as a child or those that I read to Reception / Year One classes when I first started teaching.
So here you go – 2015’s top ten most viewed blogposts!
Number 10
The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch by Ronda and David Armitage: Lighthouses don’t have lighthouse keepers these days but it seems that this is still a popular story!

Number 9
Prince Cinders by Babette Cole: Fractured fairytales have become popular and this is a hilarious retelling of the Cinderella story with a male protagonist.

Number 8
Lost My Name by David Cadji-Newberry: The personalised Lost My Name books have been translated into several languages, delivered to children in over 100 countries and a Lost My Name book has just gone into space!
You can order your personalised book on the Lost My Name website

Number 7
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson and Paul Howard: I remember my teacher reading this to me at primary school and I have read it several times with my daughter.

Number 6
On the Way Home by Jill Murphy: I have used this book on so many occasions in the classroom, my daughter’s teacher has also borrowed it to use in her English classes.

Number 5
The Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb: Making paper dolls was a big part of my childhood and this lovely story inspired me to introduce the activity to my daughter.

Number 4
Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen: One of our favourite picture books about celebrating a birthday, the confusion over party dates makes us laugh.

Number 3
Learning with Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler: This is my daughter’s favourite book by Julia Donaldson and is frequently acted out along with props!

Number 2
Learning with Eric Carle And The Very Hungry Caterpillar: The Very Hungry Caterpillar was one of the first picture books that my daughter read independently. I have used it to stimulate so many learning activities.

Number 1
Learning with Elmer by David McKee: The original Elmer story is a huge favourite in our house and has inspired many fun activities both at home and in the classroom.

Thank you to all of you for reading and sharing Story Snug’s blogposts and leaving comments. We hope that you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous 2016.
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