The Story: Red Sledge, an almost wordless picture book, captures wintertime perfectly. When a well- loved sledge is left outside a cosy cabin on a still winter’s night, an unlikely cast of creatures forge new friendships during the ride of their lives.
Why is this your favourite Christmas book?
Small but perfectly formed, RED SLEDGE is a magical, Christmas treat. The onomatopoeias are great fun to read aloud and when paired with the illustrations, bold watercolour against blankets of white snow, the effect both blows you away and leaves you feeling cuddled at the same time. A word of warning though, it’s one of those stories that needs reading over and over again.
Can you describe a favourite illustration or give a favourite quote from the story and tell us why you chose it?
It’s nearly impossible to choose just one page, even the endpapers are full of awe and wonder. But if I really had to, I can’t resist the assonance of “scrinch, scrunch, scrinch, scrunch” and the layout and use of colour on this page.
Author / Illustrator: Lita Judd
About Clare

Clare lives in Devon with her husband and two children. She teaches in a primary school and has over ten years experience in Early Years and Key Stage One. In 2013, Clare won The Margaret Carey Scholarship for Picture Book Writers and she received Silver Medal at The Greenhouse Funny Prize 2014 for her picture book, Aerodynamics of Biscuits, which was published by Maverick Arts Publishing in September 2015.
Clare loves adventure and says the greatest adventure of all is being able to write stories for children. Clare is represented by Alice Williams of David Higham Associates.
Clare’s Books
Clare is the author of Aerodynamics of Biscuits illustrated by Sophia Touliatou
Which book is on your Christmas wishlist this year?
I’m really hoping Father Christmas sends me SNOW by Walter de la Mere. I saw a trailer on Twitter and have wanted to read it ever since.
Story Snug’s 2015 Advent Calendar on Pinterest
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