I would like to say a huge, huge thank you to all the authors, illustrators and book bloggers who have helped me to put Story Snug’s Advent Calendar together this year. Our countdown to Christmas starts tomorrow and every day a surprise guest will tell us about the picture book that they most enjoy reading at Christmas.
When I first had the idea of creating a Story Snug Advent Calendar I wasn’t sure how many people would be interested in participating, especially as it is a very busy time of year, but I was completely bowled over by the enthusiasm of all those that I invited to take part. Authors and Illustrators of many of our favourite picture books have sent in some wonderful recommendations as have some of our favourite book bloggers. I have had a wonderful time opening emails to see which books our guests have chosen, only I know who is taking part and which books have been chosen so there will be surprises for everybody!
There are a wide range of picture books on the Advent Calendar, some books are familiar to me and some are completely new. There are picture books from my childhood as well as recently published stories and many of our favourite picture book characters make an appearance. I hope that you enjoy reading the posts as much as I did putting them together. It’s fascinating to see which picture books everybody will be reading over the festive season and I hope that all those of you who took part will find the books that you wish for under your Christmas Tree.
You can follow the Advent Calendar posts with the hashtag #StorySnugAdvent on Twitter and I will also be posting each book recommendation on Story Snug’s Facebook page, Google+ and pinning them to our Advent Calendar Pinterest board.
I hope that you enjoy reading the posts and find new picture books to read and over the festive season.

Story Snug’s 2015 Advent Calendar on Pinterest
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