Did you know that today is World Egg Day? World Egg Day is celebrated on the second Friday of October every year and was established to help raise awareness of the benefits of eggs.
There are lots of picture books about eggs which are great for raising children’s awareness about eggs hatching and what kind of creatures come out of an egg. However, many picture book stories about eggs also include a twist, sometimes what comes out of an egg in a story isn’t what we’re expecting!!
We’ve chosen some of our favourite picture books about eggs to read on World Egg Day.
Meg’s Eggs by Helen Nicoll and Jan Pienkowski
Meg’s spell to make eggs for supper goes slightly wrong. The eggs are too big and hard for Meg to crack but one by one they hatch…

The Odd Egg by Emily Gravett
We read The Odd Egg after Maria Bogade recommended it in a guest post. When Duck finds a huge egg everybody wonders what will hatch out of it!

Yuck! That’s Not a monster! by Angela McAllister & Alison Edgson
Mr and Mrs Monster are delighted when ‘Frightful’ and ‘Horrid’ monsters hatch out of their first two eggs. They’re not so impressed with the third monster. Can ‘Little Shock’ convince them that pink, fluffy monsters also have their uses?

Rabbits Don’t Lay Eggs! by Paula Metcalf & Cally Johnson-Isaacs
It’s true that rabbits don’t lay eggs but can Rupert convince Duck that he can lay something else?

The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water by Gemma Merino
We thought that all crocodiles liked water but maybe one of the eggs in the nest at the beginning of this story belongs to somebody else?

The Night Before Easter by Natasha Wing and Kathy Couri
We couldn’t do a post about eggs without including one of our favourite Easter picture books which is full of brightly coloured Easter eggs.

EGG by Jonathan Litton and Fhiona Galloway
A board book about an Easter Egg hunt for the littlest people to enjoy.

Do you have a favourite picture book about eggs to add to our list?
Thank you Eric Schonblom for suggesting another great book, we almost know this one off by heart! – Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss
Thank you to author Rita Antoinette Borg for suggesting Meg the Egg
What will you be reading on World Egg Day?
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